Ren was the first to notice Malty's attempt to kill Melty and begins to deeply suspect of her as well as the Three Heroes Church, starting his own independent investigation into their affairs with Itsuki. Once Naofumi's name is cleared, he begins to show more of his decent side towards him but refuses to believe Naofumi when he's told that Malty is the one who set him up. After Ruft had left Q'ten Lo and joined Naofumi's Village, he was sent to Melromarc for education. After Itsuki's curse is lifted, the two heroes have a heart-to-heart conversation. By the time Naofumi return to her world for a second time, Glass sees him as a valuable ally to fight alongside. How does MYNE die? He, along with other Heroes, believed Malty's false rape charges on Naofumi and berated him as well. She felt that, in the near future, Malty will abandon Motoyasu and she hopes to claim him for herself. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law.. in addition, Why did MYNE betray Naofumi? Going so far as to liken the man as "evil" before and after hearing about the terse history he shared with Raphtalia, the slave girl in his care. Later likening said pope as a hypocritical tyrant whom threw others in his sect under the buss while spouting blatant sanctimony as absolvent and martyrdom despite such loyalties having clearly been begotten through mind control charms and abuse of charisma. L'Arc also tends to envy Naofumi due to Therese's attention to him due to how skilled Naofumi is at creating accessories, this has led L'Arc to practice his skills in creating accessories a lot, which is why which all her classmates began to say that her face became one similar to Naofumi's. When Naofumi hatches Gaelion the dragon, Filo and Gaelion compete for Naofumi's affection, much to his annoyance. However, after some time, he ended up becoming just like others, selfish to the core! While Itsuki was under the Pride curse and began accusing Naofumi of being evil, Rishia defends Naofumi from Itsuki's baseless accusations. Thus causing the hatred he feels for the disgraceful former princess to grow and become more maniacal as time passes. Naofumi notably defines Raphtalia as "very charming" when he sees her dressed in a traditional Japanese miko (shrine maiden) outfit. Why did malty betray . After Filo saves Rishia, Naofumi swears to her that he will help make her stronger so that Itsuki will beg to have her back on his team. When Melty was escorted by Naofumi and his group, she became fast friends with Filo due to their similar, childlike mindsets and interests in each other. While the two heroes are both authentically trying to save their respective worlds, they have two different styles. In which chapter of the light novel does she asks that of him. Melty and Eclair seem to have compatible personalities. Understandably, Raptalia hates Malty for what she did to Naofumi and holds her as a personal enemy. However, for Naofumi and Raphtalia's sake, she declines. After the death of her mother and the victory of the war against Faubrey, Melty succeeded in the position as the new queen. Naofumi's second real comrade and slave. Hepurchased her as anegg from the same slave trader that he obtained Raphtalia from. After learning about his past and who he . As a fan of Filo's species, she longed to meet the Filolial Queen; a dream that came true through Filo's existence. This bond eventually developed into a deep and true friendship after they finally defeated Kyo, where they're willing to trust each other in battle. She constantly watches out for him such as enemies Naofumi cannot sense or see. Anything Naofumi said towards Atla, positive or negative, was seen from the worst possible perspective. Once having easily convinced the Spear Hero of falsely claiming Naofumi had something as ridiculous as a "brainwashing shield", by which he supposedly mind controlled people around the country into accepting him. In this manner, Does Naofumi kiss Raphtalia? "Naofumi, thank you for bringing me home!" From the popular anime series "The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2" comes a Nendoroid of the Second Princess of Melromarc, Melty! Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. Taking particular offense when the duel instigated to deprive Naofumi of proper defense in battle was guised as means of freeing his unlawfully procured servant. After Ren's persuasion, Itsuki agrees to investigate the abduction case against Naofumi. She constantly seeks Naofumi's attention and approval and expresses great joy when she pleases him but displays great worry that he may possibly leave her. As Ark planned, Naofumi ends up becoming a god by the end of his journey and can fight Medea on equal ground. Naofumi also finds Ethnobalt to be quite an effective intellectual asset and has thought about replacing Filo with Ethnobalt several times, which upsets her when she realizes Naofumi is thinking of it. Following his defeat, Itsuki completely breaks apart, losing his pride, sense of justice, and becoming near-emotionless. Even still, Itsuki still held Naofumi in some contempt on the grounds that he was stealing credit for a couple guild missions he underwent. However, this was changed for the light novel and we dont expect them to marry in the anime. Naofumi openly shows his dislike for Shildina's constant sexual harassment, as well as Sadeena's, but still respects her and considers her a powerful asset, entrusting her and her sister with Adeans training. Going so far as to fatally poison her in the web novel just to have something something else to blame the Shield for. Naofumi deeply respected her and her sacrifice needed to defeat her own body. These troubling events lead to Naofumi . Even after betraying them, stealing everything they had, and then leaving a note where she admits these things while also insulting them, she still has the gall to tell them that all her problems are Naofumi's fault and she might be willing to love them if they kill him. Motoyasu would continually believe Malty's words and cause Naofumi and his party trouble. She becomes a much-needed pillar of support for him throughout their time together. Naofumi teased her about her new responsibilities, which causes her in a fit of rage to promote Naofumi to archduke to make him share some new responsibilities, which is a position only second to the queen. Melty found herself both disgusted and horrified after finding out the hardships the Shield Hero suffered due to cruel actions committed by her evil and manipulative sister and incompetently foolish paternal figure. However, Melty still loved her sister, and was unhappy about her impending execution, and was grateful when Naofumi decided to spare her. Being an adamant racist against demi's, gaining more and more resentment of her after the repeated sneak attacks Raphtalia landed upon the haughty royal whenever the crossed each other in battle. She continued to make him suffer by any means necessary, like trying to take his slave away from him and interfering in the duel for ownership of her, calling him a criminal at every given opportunity, going so far as to cheating during a race for protectorate ship of a recently destroyed town and framing him for any/every crime she can think of in general. The two almost being killed by the unethical Church on Whore's mention only to be saved by Queen Mirellia's Shadows afterward. He runs a weapons shop in Melromarc and is the only person who believed in Naofumiafter he was falsely accused by Bitch - ironically, it was Bitch herself who had introduced Naofumi to Erhard. Whenever Naofumi takes pleasure in the suffering of those who've caused him grief, especially Malty and Trash, Raphtalia tries to reign him in and cautions against expressing this joy. Trash supported Bitch in framing Naofumi for a false rape crime. She starts off looking like a small child, and Naofumi takes her in to teach her to fight. Such as she giving other female party members a hard time and secretly kicking them out (even selling the one named Rino as a slave to a noble), her exceptionally wasteful spending of funds (both the parties & the national treasury) or pushing inexorable taxations on grief stricken rurales and her attempts to kill Melty, something which Ren and Itsuki noticed but he did not (or even deliberately neglected). and is even biding for her youngest daughter Melty to marry him, or at least become pregnant from him, both in simple bids to . He has a short but significant adventure with her until his name is cleared by her mother. Since then, Malty continues to try to hurt and/or undermine Naofumi; still pining to Motoyasu in outrage about how her mother gave the Devil of the Shield his own plot of land and a nobility title. Why did MYNE betray naofumi? in the same way Why did the king hate the shield hero? Naofumi has plainly stated he isn't interested in that BS. When the three other Legendary Heroes, along with the King and Malty, attempt to sabotage Naofumi's ability to excel by forcibly removing the master-slave relationship between him and Raphtalia, she rebels against her new status as a free woman and willingly chooses to restore her Slave Crest at Beloukas' tent in order to remain beside Naofumi. Even still colluding and directing multiple vanguards of the waves to come after the Shield numerous times after secondary punishment in the form of a political marriage. The Rising of the Shield Hero Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Naofumi first meets Kizuna when he falls into Kyo's trap while traveling to Glass' world and is dropped into an inescapable prison instead. In the LN she goes as far as wanting him and Melty to bear a child for political reasons. After Malty eventually betrays him, Motoyasu falls into depression, which leads to Filo cheering him up and causing him to fall completely in love with Filo and start calling Naofumi "father-in-law." "I don't think I want that title, ha" I sighed. While the Queen loves Malty dearly, her loyalty is to the country of Melromarc. Naofumi only remembers Imiya's first name as the rest of his name seems too long and complicated for him to remember. This makes them realize their shared goal in saving the villagers who were slaves in Zeltoble, leading the two to work together. . As with Ren, Myne later decided to take all his belongings while leaving him in debt, leaving him a similar note of her berating everything about him. Naofumi eventually stripped her of her responsibilities and gave them to Melty instead. This was the first and only time for Malty to call Naofumi by his name. However, as Fohl slowly matured, he began to cooperate with Naofumi and started seeing him in a better light. Malty being who she was, grew irate and insulted by the revelation and promised to murder the pope for betraying; in her words, the next queen. Elrasla was an old lady which Naofumi helped deliver medicine to while he was a peddling trader. While Naofumi doesn't realize this, it is revealed that this flirting is partially Sadeena's way to push Raphtalia to pursue her relationship with Naofumi more aggressively. In each of those encounters, Naofumi recognized Shadow from the rest of the shadows only by the particular way of speaking about her. They decide to keep travelling together because it is safer, especially for Naofumi because his levels have been reset. As a King, he gave too much preferential treatment and blatant favoring to the Spear Hero with the sole reason of Malty being in his party. What is the But the two are sidetracked when Raphtalia tries to alleviate hostilities, only escalating them when the traitorous ignoble flat out insults Naofumi to her face. He also considers doing the slave contract with her to further increase her strength through the slave bonus stat leveling even if she has to restart her level, although Sadeena doesn't mind. However, due to Eclair's terrible governing strategies Naofumi put Melty in charge of governing his village instead of Eclair. Though, I did hear from some people who can probably read Japanese Valentine's Day and White Day side stories that Naofumi and Raphtalia also had . However, despite the strain in their relationship with each other and Aultcray's own over-indulgence and favoritism towards her older sister, Malty. Glass seems to consider Naofumi and his party to be worthy opponents, even asking for his name after he manages to force her to retreat during their battle (for reference, she had moments before effortlessly defeating the other three Heroes and their respective parties - all of them being groups larger than Naofumi's party - simultaneously). When it comes to strength and abilities, Itsuki is pretty strong but . Itsuki admits that he was wrong as a hero and he regrets his actions, especially what he did to Rishia. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! Malty is ultimately the cause of Naofumi's dark and cynical personality due to the fact that she betrayed him and falsely framed him for the attempt of raping her for no other visiblereason. Answer: There is also the webnovel, which follow a different route compared to the light novel and the manga, that is the one I will talk about. When his world was under attack for a second time, Ethnobalt came to Naofumi for help. But when the veil upon the church's conspiracies had been dropped and he made his intentions clear for all to see. Urlivasikalarsir 10 mo. Eventually, she came to Naofumi's village to help train the villagers in Hengen Muso to fight against the waves. Their time together strengthens their bond to the point they are willing to risk their lives for the other. Mirellia lost all hopes on her and decided to name Melty, her second daughter to be the first in line to the throne. Malty is ultimately the cause of Naofumi's dark and cynical personality due to the fact that she betrayed him and falsely framed him for the attempt of raping her for no other visible reason. Melty and Eclair seem to have compatible personalities. The reason for her return was to make amends with the Shield Hero and her father but has failed twice due to the former's obstinate refusal. Naofumi Iwatani is 20-years old. Although Itsuki does stand for Naofumi during the rigged duel and his rebuked funds, he only does so to satisfy his own ego and to indirectly annoy Motoyasu. In general, Motoyasu also seemed to pay little to no attention to Malty's suspicious behavior. Although she was purchased more along the lines of a beast, he raises her with compassion alongside Raphtalia. Naofumi also usually gives Ren some advice so that he can solve his personal problems, such as what he should do with his infatuation with Eclair, how to deal with Wyndia, or his mistrust when forging weapons. Glass later notes her intention was to destroy Melromarc's world by killing off its heroes in order to save her own world, something Naofumi notes he . Naofumi's originally kind personality snapped violently, he became distrustful of anyone who is not a slave, and for a very long time held contempt for women in general. However, despite these misgivings, he still cares for her greatly as a companion. It was the perfect crime to paint the narrative that the Shield Hero is . Despite being blind, Atla felt Naofumi's presence, which she described as being "both strong and kind, though with deep sadness hidden within." WHY DOES RAPHTALIA LOVE NAOFUMI EXPLAINED // The Rising Of The Shield HeroIn today's Shield Hero video we are going to look into why Raphtalia loves Naofumi.. It was the perfect crime to paint the narrative that the Shield Hero is an irredeemable person that everyone should avoid. She's the first person,after Erhard, to take his sideafter what Malty did to him, and the one who ultimately succeeds in bringing him out of his despair. In the anime it was a pie she was slated to take to Raphtalia's table during festivities, but was caught in the act by her younger sister Melty and ended up electrocuted by her slave crest when she tried to lie about her malignant intentions. If you're getting married in Pennsylvania, you must first apply for a marriage license. Most of her evil personality stems from this upbringing, or at least that is what it was thought. Community for The Rising of the Shield Hero (Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari). The Rising of the Shield Hero has emerged as one of the most-loved isekai anime of recent years, offering a slightly grittier and more realistic depiction of life for a hero in another world. When she gave the choice of punishment for Malty to her greatest victim. This greatly improves Naofumi's perception of Itsuki and he recognizes the drastic change in attitude. After S'yne managed to speak again without any interference in his voice and S'yne's Sister revealed part of S'yne's past to Naofumi, he has tried to get her to tell him what he knows. Thanks to this and his last promise to her to consider other people's feelings, Naofumi's life was forever changed as he became a kinder and more compassionate person. Even going so far as to collude with what remains of many amongst the Sword, Bow & Spear Heroes parties after the Spirit Tortoise incident, adding them to her ranks. This was mainly driven by Fohl's sister-complex and Atla's repeated rampages and advances towards Naofumi. Princess Malty pulled off one of the nastiest betrayals in the world of anime. Naofumi and Meltys marriage in the web novel comes about by accident when Melty bestows upon Naofumi a royal title that technically makes him her fiance. Ren, like the other Heroes, now holds the same contempt and hatred for Witch, however the former princess herself is shown to be largely unaffected by his grudge against her and in her arrogance and self-absorption, still believes that she could still trick him to do her bidding despite her repulsive actions towards the Sword Hero. Eclair was also the governor of the land which Naofumi eventually took over. Motoyasu would continually believe Malty's words and cause Naofumi and his party trouble. Since then, S'yne has only proven to be extremely loyal to Naofumi by accompanying him almost everywhere as if he were his shadow. When they meet again by having another similar conversation, Sadeena expresses her respect towards Naofumi's strength and surprise on how well he holds his liquor and even eating a lukor fruit. Also supposedly he is sucessful in going back to his world or something, but leaves himself also in their world. However, she later managed to escape custody before her execution could be carried out. Although they are family, the duo's contradicting personalities show that they don't really get along. Ultimately, the King hates the Shield Hero in general, which just unfortunately transferred to Naofumi because of that relationship. Does naofumi marry melty? Malty is ultimately the cause of Naofumi's dark and cynical personality due to the fact that she betrayed him and falsely framed him for the attempt of raping her for no other visible reason. In the web novel, Naofumi does in fact marry Melty while still having relationships with other characters. As you might expect, it appears that Naofumi eventually ends up with Raphtalia. His skills come from a blacksmith from the East. Truthfully however, unbeknownst to Bitch. Glass later notes her intention was to destroy Melromarc's world by killing off its heroes in order to save her own world, . Despite initially being enemies of the royal family. It is through this travel, and the battles they face during it, that they are able to do combo skills together. Like many others, she finds some clear fault with Naofumi's personality. However, she proved to be a valuable ally in defeating the corrupted Guardian Beast. Melty also sees the flaws of Eclair's approach in rebuilding the Saeatto territory but prefers to refrain herself from commenting, as she could imagine that this could spark unnecessary bad blood between them. The series builds a large number of characters and relationships, which leads to inevitable questions on who does Naofumi end up with in The Rising of the Shield Hero. Due to her training, Naofumi's combat potential greatly increased and he started to be able to see life force. Sometime after the Spirit Tortoise incident, Malty approached the Bow Hero and took advantage of his psychological instability like she had done to Ren. Malty has no affection for her younger sister and sees her only as an obstacle between herself and Melromarc's throne. She seems to have sided with him purely because of his good looks. Unlike most people of Glass' World, Ethnobalt didn't fear Naofumi since he came from another world. Of him personality stems from this upbringing, or at least that is what it was the first in to. Isn & # x27 ; s words and cause Naofumi and holds her as anegg the... Planned, Naofumi does in fact marry Melty while still having relationships with other heroes, Malty! To marry in the anime as anegg from the East Naofumi said towards Atla, positive negative. 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