They examined her clothes also. Evidence from a ballistics expert. This unhealthy marriage survived and became a daily struggle. Her power to manipulate is why she is where she is to begin with. The hell with doubts, ballistics and pesky details about the shooting, we cannot disagree becausethere is hunting and fishing to do and friendships to uphold. I still dont buy her story. I feel sorry for Diane too. Dianes family could give you countless examples of the inaccuracies they found in her book. I understand that the authorities were afraid to leave the two remaining children under her care if they thought she was guilty, but they could have been released to the grandparents or other blood relatives with supervised visits from their mom considering that she was not charged with any crime. "We are obviously disappointed at the verdict. TIL On May 19, 1983, Diane Downs shot her three children and drove them at 5-7 mph to the hospital. Not giving you free reign here. Every single one. What about the fact that they never found the gun? Likewise, Charlene had no intention of letting Knick divorce her (Appendix 81, page 1518, line 15). Lets also remember that this is the US of A and we dont lock people up for being narcissistic, antisocial histrionic individuals. Mr. Jagger failed to challenge that competency. Page 40 of Case History. Mission accomplished. Mr. Downs must have had a bad feeling about Jagger because before trial, he tried to retain defense attorney Melvin Belli who had the reputation of fighting for his clients and to win all his cases. I wish she could get a new look. Of course, because this is what she does when people put her on the spot and ask questions concerning her mother and the shooting. The parole board in Oregon was asking to provide reasonable cause to show she was not a danger to society and it had to be supported by a psychiatrists report or a Wardens letter and Downs provided both. Your prayers were answered. The implication was not only cruel, in the light of what Diane was suffering, it was also clear. Will Cheryl ever be let out of her grave? The ballistics, gun, speed at which she drove the car, her demeanor, etc. I watched and worried through her escapeto find her childrens real attackerthat bushy haired stranger . But if you compare them, and if stranger there was, there are similarities but it is not dead on. Thats why Diane wouldnt agree to marry unless Knick first signed a premarital agreement that when they divorced, Knick would take nothing from their marriage. He could not during the marriage so he walked away. The chief prosecutor adopting the children beggars belief! Its a dangerous proposition when a lack of due process becomes acceptable because they know she is guilty. And she should be allowed parole! If she did have memories of the actual shooting, that would be very rare. And in fact this would have been about the time that Charlene broke a bottle of liquor that you had. The blog tries to bring balance and more objectivity to a case that was TOTALLY one sided and still is. She said She did it. Why am I not arguing the facts of the trial? Also, I agree he does look a little like the actor who played Fred Hugi but I think it might be a coincidence. It wasnt until Prosecutor Hugi said Dr. Jamison had labeled Diane a deviant sociopath that Mr. So yes I think she did it, I think ration left her a long before she did itI think post pardum played in this, I think, she was scattered all over the map.againjust hearing it in her own words. The reason she is likely locked up is because she was diagnosed with narcissistic, histrionic and anti social personality disorder, that makes her a very dangerous person (especially since she is a murderer). Basically then at that The lousy men in their lives never took a hit because after all, it was these witches fault. She then went through the State (Circuit) Court habeas corpus relief for four years to no avail. To this day, there is not enough evidence to prove her guilt or innocence. And he was found not guilty because his defense team played the race card in an area of LA where they did not trust the police and discussed EDTA and DNA ad nauseam to confuse the jurors. Diane ran away from her husband many times between 1976 and 1977, but with nowhere to go except her parents house, she would come back. Right after her first surgery, The Detectives were adamant that they HAD to have Diane right then to recreate the incident- unless of course, you have something to hide. It will likely take place very early in the war when John is young. Id like to challenge some of the bloggers claims. Some 287 errors and falsehoods were documented by Liysa and verified by official sources. And the fact that Tracy wrote in his notes that Christies reaction could have been excitement to see her mom but they decided to only mention extreme fear? I would love to hear your answers to them. The case NEVER made sense to me. After completing his education and their short-lived high school romance, Steve Downs would move on to join the navy. The blogger continues, I am not one sided. She has an excellent conduct report and never reacted violently to any of the harassment from other inmates. Standards of conduct are defined by state law, but they generally require a judge to avoid appearances of impropriety, such as avoiding deciding a dispute in which the judge is personally involved in the issue at stake or has a relationship to one of the parties.. She was found guilty. Mr. She had a more than competent attorney and a fair trial before a jury and NOT the same judge who handled the childrens matters. It's February 28, 2023, and Luke Schenn was just traded to the . When a white attractive woman like Diane Downs appears on the scene while displaying seemingly unpleasant characteristics as a mother and a personality disorder, there is no telling what the media will do with the story. She is a monster and belongs in prison for the rest of her life. They hardly investigated any other lead after a couple of weeks. One of the jurors finally declared. What they did to her daughter is unconscionable. A fact strongly denied by Diane and by the nurses reports. Just similar stuff.and that I guess, makes it easy for me to see how that song could of fueled her up.never underestimate the power if a song..what feels intense and exciting to you, may not to another, but shoot, anytime I hear pink floyd run like hell.takes me right back 1991 in the heat of my chase..for me, I got the answers I wanted from 89 when my friend said that about the Duran song and it involved in that case. It means you dont orphan the kids. I have worked in Child Protection for over 20 years and have extensive experience in this field domestically and internationally. Diane downs. Litigating at the Supreme Court in . Many individuals associated with the the child welfare system, for one reason or another, choose to adopt children. Yes Gigi, the same judge who had removed the children was also presiding over her trial. I will change it. So glad you wrote and provided this information. Her quest for love had landed her into an unstable and loveless marriage. But in the case of DD, there were a lot of elements missing. The following article hopes to help you make more suitable choices and get more useful information She had no priors and no history of violence in prison. And the interrogations were not tapedand barelydocumented. The detectives took Diane to the crime scene and were able to retrieve shell cases on the ground where the incident happened. This does not make her innocent. Do you remember probably about four or five days after It was not unlike brainwashing. Movie scene alleging that Christie was scared. This was all logged in Christies hospital reports and is found in the Appendix of the petition filed in Federal Court in 1996 in the section Hospital Reports. But the fact that the prosecutor called her a deviant sociopath in court without any assessment became another nail in her coffin. You are wondering about the question why didn't steve downs get custody but currently there is no answer, so let summarize and list the top articles with the question. Diane was pregnant during the trial so if found not guilty, how would she have regained the love of her life? I think that Van Houten was recommended for parole by a system that assessed that after 40 years, she was not a threat to society and a reformed woman. Gosh Donna, you really dont have a clue. A. I told Diane before, but I certainly didnt tell her to But I would not know what her state of mind is because I did not witness it. I was a patient of the doctor who worked so hard to save her childrens lives that night. I just read your opinion on the Pamela Smart case and the Scott Peterson case. He actually was the one who suggested theybecome intimate after many friendly, platonic conversations. What I believe doesnt matter at all. Nevertheless, what was done seemed out of our hands and we could have no contact with them at all. Mr. This is a conflict of interest. Diane then replied, so, put her back on the stand and make her tell the truth. He said he would when it was his turn, but never did. But you told Diane Downs to go ahead and get an apartment? I am not biased. Very little is definitively known in this area. I am a true crime junkie. I lived in Eugene, Oregon for years. Insulting a woman in prison since 30 years instead of debating the inconsistencies of this case is pretty pathetic. I remember when it was in the news. Why? The Cinemaholic reports that Steve was often known for being immature and irresponsible, something that didn't see their rekindled relationship get off to the best start. I research cases that in my opinion, were poorly tried. Only the people who present ongoing threats to the safety of the public in general are the ones this sentence is reserved for. I followed the trial. Her character was also too much on the forefront. What mother takes her kids out at night and then stops for a stranger with her kids in the car? And the interrogations were not tapedand barelydocumented. The fact that she and her brother Danny were eventually adopted by Fred Hugi who prosecuted Diane Downs is the most blatant case of conflict of interest I have ever heard of. BUT like you rightly explain, there was no real evidence of her guilt. We will never know what really happened because the authorities acted too hastily and the media was a huge hindrance. Lack of impulse control is also another symptom that might explain why a mother would stop at night to help a stranger flagging her on the road. Child Protective Services takes confidentiality to the extreme (warranted in most cases). Wrong. The Lifetime channel constantly makes movies based loosely on the truth; this approach is an effective weapon aimed at swaying public opinion about high-profile cases. You mention her youngest daughter, and how Ann made sure she only heard negative information about Diane.. They should have stayed out of it instead of contributing to her revictimization. So she could not have shot her kids at the distance determined by the state unless she changed her clothing and it did not come up at trial. So it was a relentless game totry to reel her in. Im from Australia and have recollections of this case. It is in the blog. I also wish that Dianes children have a great life. I try to remain objective in spite of the media storm depicting the case in a certain way, which is not accurate in every aspect. That conflict of interest alone would incline Christie to testify against her mother. Lise lasalle you mention THIS When she (Diane) resisted, he shot her kids and struggled with her. For the children to be legally free for adoption a termination of parental rights had to occur. Interesting that the article has one of the same elements that Diane perpetrated when she drove to the hospital the night of the murders she made more of a fuss about her arm injury than she did about one of her kids dying and two of them being gravely and permanently wounded. Her three small children, Christie, 8; Cheryl, 7; and Danny, 3 . The goal is always to keep family ties intact. I agree about pregnancy and childbirth affecting women differently, and even having different effects for the same woman with different pregnancies. Diane herself stated Cheryl was asleep on the front floorboard completely covered up with Dianes jacket how the hell did a stranger or a hitman(one of Dianes OTHER stories) KNOW Cheryl was there. Steve Bannon won't be detained before trial on charges of contempt of Congress after he failed to comply with subpoenas from the House committee investigating January 6. That poor girl. Blood spatter is not an exact science, and is interpreted differently by experts. So how she behaved at the time, should not have been a factor influencing the authorities. Not hard to go there. The DA that put away their mom is not an appropriate placement choice. The diagnosis of the psychiatrist for the state is also clearly documented. I know several people who know or knew both of the surviving children as well as Diane. 5. Fingerprints at the crime scene were not produced by the State. The bio family should have been given the same opportunity to see the kids and demonstrate their ability to be the guardians. Of course I saw movie first, then read the bookI wanted more, sadly early Internet days, there wasnt much out there, as far as info or video, picturesnothing really. Anything less is a conflict of interest. But there is forensic evidence pointing to Diane Downs. The Parole Board had an obligation to parole Diane between 1998 and 2002 if she could provide reasonable cause to show she was not a danger to society. But if you compare the time she was seen by the witness to the timing of her arrival at the hospital, it seems to indicate she went pretty fast, butnone of it was explained ordemonstrated properly. The states own witness, Dr. George Suckow and Dr. Polly Jamison denounced Prosecutor Hugis practice as improper and unethical (Appendix 101 and 104). Our legal system is not perfect. Justice is all that is left. What would have been the conclusion to have drawn without this hate campaign? She was fighting back and they did not like it. It is documented in the blog where I give the source In the 1996 Federal Petition, you can find the Anatomy of Brainwashing that can answer any question on this subject. I cannot be more transparent than that and integrity was one of the missing pieces of the entire case. This is a more common route for children with parents who are incarcerated for what looks to be the entire childhood of the children. Q. No conflict of interest there? For all you readers of this blogger, I lived through the Diane Downs case. There are documented cases of suicides where the person has no GNR, as well as murder cases. Great blog post, thank you. Christie was understandably all over the place and I agree that the way in which her statements were procured were very odd and seemed to be very coached. I think she was the only one there that night with her children. I do not care if the bushy haired stranger made no sense or if they could not explain the why of the tragedy, I do not care if she was madly in love with a guy because all that counts is proof and evidence in a court of law, and there was definitely a reasonable doubt. Their life without parole sentences are a dime a dozen and so randomly used that it beats any notion of justice for all. As it was getting dark and the young ones fell asleep in the car, their mother decided to head home. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This video has Dianes attorney, Jim Jagger, at 1 minutes and 20 seconds that might have some good shots. There were many problems with her trial and that matters. Thats the point. (Yes in the 1980s a ten yr like myself was not as mature as say todays 10 yr olds. The crucial point is that she is so void of emotion. Its more understandable now, after all this time but it has done her so much harm, then and now I am just curious. Even if the nurses notes indicated countless times that the children asked for their mother and enjoyed her visits, they cut them off from the only family they knew and loved; supposedly for their own protection. According to Oregon law, this would have to be supported by a psychiatrists report or a Wardens letter and Diane provided both. Her trial was speculative and based on so many fallacies. She was interrogated without a representative from the defense and was not taped for the most part. Lock people up for being narcissistic, antisocial histrionic individuals and Danny, 3 to Oregon law, would! Inconsistencies of this blogger, i am not one sided and still is who present ongoing threats to hospital... 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