If citizens are unhappy, they can throw the rascals out and elect a new board. It is a structure that can ignore local needs. Short Answer (2 Points) In what ways have first ladies expanded the role of their office over the twentieth century? In faulting traditional beliefs, Plato uses the case of courage. Explain. \text { LIMITED ACCESS }\\ Lack of equity is a chief problem, too, when a country consists of patchwork of governments. However, there can be disadvantages to having so many levels of sub-national government in the nation. The needs of at the national level will always outweigh what local needs are with this government. The key advantages of having many levels of subnational government are autonomy, accountability, and flexibility. These range from counties to cities to special purpose districts, local governments designed to provide and manage a particular kind of service. If a government switches from a federated system to this one, the benefits often shine brightly at first. Because it must suddenly become everything to everyone, the processes can get significantly bogged down. Do bureaucrats accomplish much? Campell's surge-and-decline theory suggests that midterm elections favor the opposition of the current president because the less interested voters who would normally vote in favor of the current president during the presidential elections stay home during the midterm elections. Thus influencing the thoughts and ideas of the people. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. In 43 states, Republican lawmakers have introduced hundreds of bills that try to curtail voting. Why does a bill has to pass both houses of Congress to reach the president's desk? States will decide what graduation requirements are for high school, and sometimes set requirements for college basic requirements. 1999-2023, Rice University. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. What services does it provide? What are the strengths and weakness of the legislative branch? \text{Net income (loss)}&\text{\hspace{19pt}66,176}&\text{\hspace{19pt}54,587}\\ Sometimes ambiguity among people about the responsibility of state at different levels. Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? You may explore the judicial branch at all levels, also. How does Plato treat tradition? When answering this question, there are three levels of government to focus on: local, state, and federal government. Under a ________ political culture, citizens will tend to be more tolerant of corruption from their political leaders and less likely to see politics as a noble profession in which all citizens should engage. Defend your answer." ), 20142013Netsales$1,117,204$1,124,591Netincome(loss)66,17654,587Totalassets855,338838,078ShareinformationSharesoutstandingatyear-end64,507,00066,282,000Preferreddividends-0--0-\begin{array}{lcc} Additionally, they play a symbolic role in adding to the feelings of transparency and justice in politics. \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} Additionally, per the publisher's request, their name has been removed in some passages. When there is a unitary government which offers no degree of autonomy to the areas under its control, then the sub-national regions are not allowed to decide their own laws at any time. Why did the founding fathers decide this for the Justices? That means there are times when there is more bureaucracy to navigate instead of less since a federated state could immediate dispatch assistance, like how a governor can send out the National Guard to provide support. In the west, counties are more likely to be both larger than eastern counties, and to provide city-like services to areas that are unincorporated, or whose citizens do not live inside of the boundary of any city. Explain three benefits and three drawbacks of Federalism. Short Answer (2 points): What does Campbell's surge-and-decline theory suggest about the outcome of midterm elections? What solutions would you impose? In France, the central government exercises total control over all of the local political subdivisions. One of the disadvantages is that subnational governments create a huge diversity which means that laws can change between the states. Instead of following multiple laws simultaneously, the general population is asked to follow one specific set of regulations instead. 5. Term limits have been shown to have more merits than the unlimited term or rule. Short Answer (2 Points) What factors contributed to the growth of presidential power in the twentieth century? Academic.Tips. When using judicial restraint, a judge will usually ________. Federalism is a mode of government in which power is split between a national government and various state governments, each with its own set of laws and regulations. then you must include on every digital page view the following attribution: Use the information below to generate a citation. Prior to the November, 2000 presidential election George W. Bush had a comfortable lead in the polls. \text{TO MONEY?} The unitary form of government will usually place a legislative body or a single individual into the ultimate place of power. From then on first ladies have become even more active and influential. If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a print format, \end{array} & \text { Total } \\ Instead of a local government, a unitary system will place a delegate, ambassador, or someone in a similar position to administer local resources. A. So, like all levels of government, they are by no means perfect. However, with many levels of government can come an incredible number of rules, policies, and laws for citizens to wade through. College students in Texas must study Texas state politics and government, regardless of their majors. This is because they prevent the appearance of dictatorship and take care of democracy in a certain country. In some states, port districts are charged with encouraging economic development and managing sea and airports to encourage commerce and foster job creation. Cities fix potholes, help organize summer fairs and festivals, and maintain local parks. \text{Preferred dividends}&\text{\hspace{10pt}-0-}&\text{\hspace{5pt}-0-}\\ In the United States, the constitution specifically reserved some of the powers of governing to the federal government. This consideration would also be relevant to local officials. Manipulation can occur quite easily in a unitary government. Thus, you might want to consider if term limits are necessary to prevent members of Congress from gaining too much control over many years in Washington, D.C. The key disadvantages are inefficiency and lack of equity. Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? Further, federations have evolved so that their levels of government are interdependent, "making formal, legalistic definitions in terms of division of powers relatively useless," (Smith 1985, 13). (There are also county and township levels of government, but these tend to be much less consequential.) Sub-national governments are comprised of local and state governments. Local services are still a priority for a unitary form of government. 1097, Nicosia, Cyprus. In rural areas, special purpose districts may be created to manage pest control and irrigation, allowing local farmers to pool their resources and provide common service to a wider number of people. Academic.Tips. PLEASE NOTE: This book is currently in draft form; material is not final. What faults does he point to in Lachess and Niciass definitions of courage? The Founding Fathers did not want to supply one governing body with the absolute power to control all of the states. The disparate state laws can create inequality and oppression that can then impact the overall country. When someone in power decides to pursue more wealth or governing opportunities for themselves, then there are very few ways to stop that activity. These people or governing agencies will hold almost every decision-making responsibility once they are put into office. Since this delegation may not include the power to make needed changes to protect people, the absence of an independent local government can sometimes cause more harm than good. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. One advantage of so many local and state (i.e., subnational) governments in the United States of America is often attached to freedom. When we take a look back through the stories of history, the pages are quick to show that when power is held by only a few or just one, then it is abused far too easily. Consider Chicago, which has strict gun laws but also high levels of gun violence. citation tool such as, Authors: Glen Krutz, Sylvie Waskiewicz, PhD. Because the goal of a government is self-preservation, the various arms that work at the local level are usually the first resources cut when theyre in budgetary issues. In 49 states, voters choose a two-chambered legislature, such as a house and a Senate. This is where the trustee legislator part comes in. Fiscal policy is established as a stabilizing instrument against the volatility of economic activity, a function that becomes more important considering the decentralization model that governs Colombia and many countries, and which is characterized by the fact that subnational governments have fiscal autonomy, and therefore are active agents in the provision of goods and services under a . Examples of this form of governing are currently found in Norway, Ireland, and Romania. The selection of the candidate with fewer electoral votes triggered the rise of party control over nominations. The advantages of many levels of the subnational government is you get closer to the people. In which areas do you think people's rights and liberties are at risk of government intrusion? The Tenth Amendment created a class of powers exclusive to state governments. Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . An advantage of having so many subnational governments in the United States is that it separates powers. the local constituents tend to care about things that affect them. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Texas's judicial selection process? How, in the United States, power is apportioned from state to local governments. A large national government can do much more to distribute goods efficiently and use its bargaining power to lower costs to the taxpayer. What are the advantages and disadvantages of liberalism and radicalism? Has this book helped you? Defense: When a government is flexible, it is able to respond to priorities at each level. Economic recessions and terror attacks have an effect on the president's power because these events require quick action. The whole purpose of a correctly-structure unitary government is to create common ground. Defend your answer. Furthermore, local level governments can better serve the particular needs of their citizens because they do not also need to balance the needs of distant and different parts of the country. The key advantages of having many levels of subnational government are autonomy, accountability, and flexibility. In all but the smallest nations, having some kind of local government keeps government closer to the people and perhaps more responsive, and gives people a chance to create law and policy that fits their particular needs. Sometimes states and municipalities do not comply with these laws and the matters get tied up in the courts for years. Justices can serve for life, as long as they are mentally and physically capable. The purpose of Academic.Tips website is to provide expert answers to common questions and other study-related requests or inquiries from students. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? It can also have a slower national response in localized emergencies. The most important credentials when filing judge and justice positions at the federal level are credentials, background, and ideology. The majority typically rules at the expense of the minority in this situation, only granting rights to people when it suits their best interests. The judicial branch is in an odd position. When answering this question, you should consider the two main sub-national levels of government: state and municipal. There are different advantages and disadvantages with different level of subnational governments. How does it fund those operationswhat are its sources of revenue? Accessed 2 Mar. B. few barriers to starting new businesses State governors, for instance, took on an oversized role in COVID-19 management when the Trump administration stood back, managing the crisis in ways that responded to their constituents' perceived needs. The advantages of having so many subnational governments in the United States is that different regions of the country with different needs have the autonomy and flexibility to respond to their own priorities. Georgias impending voting law could change the outcome of the 2022 midterms and the 2024 presidential election, which would then impact everyone in the United States. Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? That may provide some inconvenience at times, but it can also reduce the risk of an unknown violation of the law. 6. Latest answer posted June 18, 2019 at 6:25:00 AM. The dual court system refers to the existence of both a state and federal court. He also reports having occasional low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) and feeling shaky and dizzy. This governing structure can encourage an abuse of power. Many cities engage in zoning, laws by which rules are set about what can be built where. In all systems, to some extent, but especially in federal systems, state and local governments are closest to the citizens, and frequently are the parts of government that deliver services and enforce laws in your city, town or neighborhood. Instead of having one form of centralized power, there is a complete system of checks and balances to use that provide more equality in the governing process. \end{array} 2. Sub-national governments manage local affairs on behalf of national governments. Which of the following is an example of an executive agreement? The image most people have of Cleopatra comes from her depiction in movies, mainly those produced in Hollywood. Which of the following is an unintended consequence of the rise of the primary and caucus system? The passage of the Tenure of Office Act of 1867 was just one instance in a long line of ________. Local authorities are able to adapt to local needs and react more quickly to local problems than central government. Critical Thinking Essay (5 Points): What does the trend toward descriptive representation suggest about what constituents value in their legislature? Defend your answer. 1. Explain using the textbook as a reference point, Currently, it is acceptable for Congress to have this power. 2. It is much easier to move from town to town and state to state than to move to another country. and you must attribute OpenStax. The founding fathers wanted to make sure that American citizens always had representation and a voice in government; many people believe sub-national governments ensure that citizens' voices are heard. \text{Total assets}&\text{\hspace{14pt}855,338}&\text{\hspace{14pt}838,078}\\[10pt] The president signs legally binding nuclear arms terms with Iran without seeking congressional approval. He also has high cholesterol and recently started taking a lipid-lowering medication. The limited time period of elected members implies the transfer of leadership and promotes transparency and fairness in political actions. It feels like everything begins to move at a more rapid pace. Defend your answer." For example, only the president has term limits, with some caveats. It is likely to be more efficient to run services locally than manage them from the centre. That may provide some inconvenience at times, but it can also reduce the risk of an unknown violation of the law. 23. https://academic.tips/question/what-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-having-so-many-levels-of-subnational-governments-in-the-united-states-explain-do-term-limits-seem-to-have-more-advantages-or-disadvantages-defend-your-a/. In addition to creating policies that might fit more with the desires and conditions of local citizens, states deliver services directly to citizens. This separation also allows for the individual subnational governments to focus on specific problems that are more closely related and effecting a specific group of people. Congress usually insists that the states adhere to certain standards and levels of funding in order to receive federal matching funds, although in recent decades Congress has leaned more toward giving states some leeway in deciding how to structure such programs. This structure can artificially shape the discussions of society. Creative Commons Attribution License Unitary governments can run into a lot of bloating. In large cities in particular, city governments often face a balancing act in promoting economic development while trying to maintain quality of life for existing residents. Accessed 2 Mar. OpenStax is part of Rice University, which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. \begin{array}{l} Explain. Explain." eNotes Editorial, 21 Nov. 2020, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-2547195. In most countries, these are governments in some way below the national government, whatever form it takes. There may be times when some communities are entirely ignored because arising international situations take a priority over crop subsidy applications or other domestic issues. Short Answer (2 Points) The existence of the dual court system is an unnecessary duplication to some but beneficial to others. , uragement of domestic and foreign investment in private business Congress, which was concerned about energy issues, wanted states to set lower speed limits to encourage fuel conservation, and threatened to take away Wyomings federal highway funds if it did not comply. So, federally funded programs such as welfare and Medicare/Medicaid will be funneled through state offices, with the states and the federal government sharing funding responsibility. It can protect homeowners home values, because youre going to have a harder time selling your home if somebody builds a Wal-Mart or other large store around the corner. There were 73,139,000 shares outstanding at the end of 2012. I believe it it is preferable for representatives in the state legislature to behave as a combination of trustees and delegates. Thus the president's side receives fewer votes because the less interested voters aren't present. September 28, 2022. https://academic.tips/question/what-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-having-so-many-levels-of-subnational-governments-in-the-united-states-explain-do-term-limits-seem-to-have-more-advantages-or-disadvantages-defend-your-a/. 2. Why? Cities may provide police and fire protection, local transportation planning and improvement, and laws relating to the conduct of life within city limits. legislate in the way he or she believed constituents wanted, regardless of the anticipated outcome. \text { Female} \\ Short Answer (2 Points) What are the core factors that determine how judges decide in court cases? The advantage of the unitary government is that this confusion disappears. Likewise, every law of each sub-national government must comply with the federal Constitution. Disadvantages of having levels of subnational government is that many laws for citizens are put into place, lots of rules and polices are put into place which can be cumbersome. In Connecticut and Rhode Island, there are counties, but no county governments. Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages?" The classic model of legislating was more straightforward and to the point. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? Specifically providing clean water, proper sewage systems, and garbage disposal. Likewise, consider how large the United States is. Explain. Sub-national governments in the United States serve to represent citizens at a more local level, especially regarding local issues. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? But on election day Bush ended up losing the popular vote by a small margin (although winning the electoral vote). "What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? However, as the COVID-19 crisis showed, one disadvantage to so many smaller governments is the fact that they compete with each other for limited supplies, driving costs to the taxpayer up. If you decide to travel to a different town in a neighboring county, then youre still subject to your own local laws in some situations, while also being required to follow what is expected in that other community. Compare and contrast three different forms of governments. 21. Already a member? Unitary governments are usually cheaper to run. Some of the factors that contributed to the growth of presidential power in the twentieth century include technology, which party controls Congress, and the crisis that occurs. This can undoubtedly be seen by how much our current president, Donald Trump, uses Twitter and Tv to communicate his thoughts and ideas to the Nation. Term limits for officials can either serve to check the power of government officials or stifle the progress begun by officials. It is a smaller form of government. Cities are more like mini-mini-republics, usually with some kind of elected council. The distribution of power is often a source of debate because disputes over the rights of each state can arise, requiring the judicial system to step in to sour things out. You can browse or download additional books there. There are no overlapping districts, issues with gerrymandering, or political polarization because everything operates through the central system. The company is registered at 4 Diagora Street, Kermia Building, Office 202, P.C. Sub-national governments exist to help each state address its own needs. When there is not enough local support available for communities during an emergency situation, this centralized administration may leave the resolution up to local decision-makers instead of intervening. The key disadvantages are inefficiency and lack of equity. However, the publisher has asked for the customary Creative Commons attribution to the original publisher, authors, title, and book URI to be removed. A unitary system of governing can replicate federated states. The Advantages 1. 7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? )Has extended powers to review any legislative or executive action in the federal or state is subject to the judiciary branch. Governments in which power is lent to subnational governments, as opposed to federal governments, in which power is shared between the two levels. Local governments created to perform a particular task, such as providing water, sewer or fire service. Subnational governments can take action on issues during which the national government is silent. Special purpose districts may also manage fire service, utilities such as sewer, water and electricity, and everything from local parks to public hospitals and cemeteries. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Defend your answer'. A unitary government can be lacking in infrastructure. Steve Q. is a 52-year-old male with a family history of alcoholism. 2021, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-2066381. To excited over those annexations; they require petitions from a majority of landowners within a target area just to get started. That can mean it will take even more time to get things done, even if everyone is in agreement that a legislative change is necessary. Since the president of the United States holds such an incredibly powerful position both in the nation and the world, why would the founding fathers believe that term limits for the position were necessary? On an even smaller regional scale, local jurisdictions can vary radically in wealth, meaning, for instance, that some school districts are terribly underfunded, while others are awash in cash. The only problem with a centralized system such as this is that it can exert so much control over the population that an individual can do nothing to change their circumstances. Citizens can be overwhelmed with how to get the help they need with many levels of government. However, there can be disadvantages to having so many levels of sub-national government in the nation. It provides a smaller structure to the overall state of the nation, potentially reducing the tax burden on households without creating a reduction in the access to services that they require. The branch that I consider to be the closest to the people is the judicial branch because it deals with cases involving the people. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Right now, Georgia is trying to pass legislation that restricts voting primarily for Black voters. 10. What are the four types of government (oligarchy, aristocracy, monarchy, democracy)? The saying "All politics is local" roughly means ________. Many resource-rich subnational governments don't have the same policy options as Wyoming. When answering this question, there are three levels of government to focus on: local, state, and federal government. - Sub national g View the full answer Previous question Next question At the federal level, members of the US Supreme Court do not have term limits. What changes were made to strengthen the role of the federal government under the U.S. Constitution? Should Congress have this power or should the Supreme Court reel it in? The first advantage is the area of focus, each level of subnational government can work upon. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. D. all of the above. \text { Male } 6. The 50 U.S. states are in some ways like 50 mini-republics, each with its own executive, legislative and judicial branches. Technology has played a huge role in increasing the power and reach of the presidents. Defend your answer." Typically the president chooses justices that are affiliated with the same political party as them. Posted . Unitarian governments work to create a system of unity. If at any point the people or the Supreme Court recognize that the Congress no longer needs this power they can "reel it in.". (2022, September 23). Normally, the author and publisher would be credited here. See the license for more details, but that basically means you can share this book as long as you credit the author (but see below), don't make money from it, and do make it available to everyone else under the same terms. But for the most part, a state government, via the legislature, could in fact combine school districts, towns or even counties if they decided there was some reason to do so. Critical Thinking Essay (5 Points): Congress has consistently expanded its own power to regulate commerce among and between the states. 100% (2 ratings) *Advantages of having many subnational governments in United States - Different regions of United States have different priorities and issues of conern, so sub national governments help in the proper governing of different regions. The federalist system that we have, with its various levels of government, is the result of this debate. Explain. Who has more power in the British government, the Queen or the Prime Minister. Explain. Explain. The national government is huge and complex, and competing with all the other citizens of the country to have your voice heard and make an impact would be difficult. 7. The representatives can have similar characteristics to their constituents, however, they need to focus on the anticipated outcome more, rather than trying to please their constituents with their similarities. Explain. 4. More information is available on this project's attribution page. Defend your answer. In which level of substate government would you be most likely to get involved? 1. (2022, September 28). They range in population from around 10 million in Los Angeles County to less than 100 in Loving County, Texas. For more information on the source of this book, or why it is available for free, please see the project's home page. This book uses the \text{Total}&1,50&146&296 A unitary government is a state which is governed under a single central governing structure which treats itself as being the final say in every decision. Some states, voters choose a two-chambered legislature, such as a of. Office over the twentieth century help you with any book or any question, Texas credited here respond! Attribution License unitary governments can run into a lot of bloating of service expanded own. 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