Advanced intellect and gifted intuition may sound like a totally unique superpower, but, given the unfathomable speed at which many of its users have been able to produce almost otherworldly inventions, it certainly isn't useless. Is seems when someone does harm to me it's like I got a invisible protector that unleashes not only that I was driving one day a truck was about to wreck my car felt like something pushed be back I looked to the side I seen white lines pushing the truck back. Capable of regenerative healing and able to resurrect the dead for a time, she has what it takes to become a major asset to her team. You can do things like change reality, cause nightmares, and plant ideas in people's minds. As said before, this power only a few people have Mighty Parents from The Fairly Oddparents, Opticoids from Ben 10, and Shepard from Marvel Comics. I made an energy forcefeild thing to keep this bad thing away from my friend and I (neighbors) . I have that power as do a few others. Not only weather but I have glimpse In the future. Then there's the ability to eliminate the burden of heavy objects, making something as large as a planet as easy to move as a pillow. I had the ability to metamorphose my fingers my fingers into reptilian scales freaked out at first but got used to it. Then, there's therestrictive spandex suits and long draping capes; appearing poised is enough work as is. A disease has slowly been trying to kill me for nearly 30 years. . Would you considering supporting the site in another way? When I was born I'm 13 currently.. I have just now read this article regarding what I've experienced during puberty, as a teen I've seen and felt magnetic fields of emotions effect the weather and lots of unusual tingling. They believe they should be dead but they see their body healing before their very eyes, and they realize what they are. hey I am Mokshitha and I am from India. 3 my gifts were brutiel hardcore i learnt to embrace it but it was painful it was hardcore but i found away to embrace it and live with it and be my trueself it wasnt easy but for me i had no choice so i decided i do best i can i learn as much as i can and i own my gifts good bad hardcore and i luve it with thd best i can, each experince you have is unquie and it for what it is an unqie experince and learn as you go, i hope that help you strong beautfil unqiue amazing people. Any person with this ability can essentially "think" themselves anywhere they want to go, be it across the room or across the world. This power gives bearers a headache but is very cool they can discern every past event that happened in history. I thought his tape absolutely matched the athletic traits . Sometimes this can be used to mask something that is already there or to create a distraction and lead someone the wrong way. When I opened them, everything was still and quiet. My sister might have precognition because she keeps of dreaming about her teacher. They cover pretty much everything under the sun, from human qualities, to how the world works, to faiths, to inventions, to animals, and to everything else and beyond. These individuals can gain/replicate any kind of knowledge, be it over subject, language, or fighting style, this superpower is really cool. I'm just so curious if this is a coincidence or just delusions, thank you so much for this overall. Notable users of this power are champion Ornn from League of Legends, Master Piandao from Avatar: The Last Airbender, etsu Nimaiya from Bleach, Sparda from Devil May Cry, Sunfire Elves from The Dragon Prince, and Eitri from Marvel Comics. Sometimes this power fades with age, but there are some people who manage to keep it their entire life. If you are a more eccentric person who likes to stand apart from the crowd, try out one of these wacky and . They cover pretty much everything under the sun, from human qualities, to how the world works, to faiths, to inventions, to animals, and to everything else and beyond. Its like you can bring back a dead or something. It is one of the few gifts that can be learned. Users of this power have a really good sense of touch, allowing them to detect specific individuals, objects, substances, or even places. They don't want others to find out because they are afraid they are crazy and will be shunned by society. Its users can put on a stone face unlike any other, capable of throwing off anyone who might interpret their actions as a sign to worry. But I just found out some weeks ago.. And I am still researching about my this power.. Question: What do you call it when you can see through another person's eyes? We became freinds and he told me he could influence emotions, well not long after we shook hands. Few would think of zombification as a superpower, but Dead Girl wields an amazing gift few other heroes can boast. Aligist: Someone who can understand all languages. I have what i will call special abilities. After an incident with Dudley and his gang, Harry discovers his magical abilities. We can't all be Wonder Woman, but we do have the ability to develop some pretty amazing capabilities. It allows a person to be able to hear things from very far away as though they are very close. I listened to a Batman audio book "The Stone King" and he accomplished this. You: This is more reason to keep my powers on the down-low. I am so sure that I have a lot of these powers,but I know/think that the powers I have may be making relationships with the people around me worse, because some how they know that I have these powersanyways (heres my question) what are you and how do you know these things? Updated on July 29th, 2022 by Tanner Fox:Everyone would love to have a superpower, but, given the choice, most would likely opt for more conventional abilities such as super strength or super speed. Captain America is perhaps the most famous hero to have endured cryostasis, and he's a rare example of such an event occurring outside of the realm of sci-fi. Then they ask can i see them and i say yes. The downside of this power is that usually, the person will feel all of the pain associated with their injuries, but sometimes the people are too distraught to notice the pain and continue to harm themselves. It has similarities with heat vision, but its use is more for cutting solid objects and dealing damage. Is this a sign that I have a magical ability? Ferrokinesis: The ability to mentally manipulate metal. Take that number and factor in all the time spent eating, drinking, and usingthe bathroom, and those numbers only get more discouraging. It also gained some notoriety when Iron Fist appaered in a Netflix series, but what secrets lie in the life forcesof these characters that allow them to manipulate the flow of metaphysical energy in their bodies? Able to write different words with each hand while taking notes. Okay, so this one is really unique. im curious..this isnt a joke truly. This astral body can go anywhere in the world and go through walls. I didn't also know this that I have this power but from some days I have been noticing that I can read memories of people for example in my home when I touched the study table in my room I see a vision that my sister was sitting in the table.. And she didn't notice it but one of her pens fall down and was under the table and after the vivison I had.. All the Super abilities were inherited to his Brother, Smastirin "Quasar" Amagatsu Nekuo. I cant remember my abilities but i was given something to conceal them. Arcane Magic Major 10. Its easy to use them. Perhaps the scariest threat is some type of super-virulent virus. Whether it's physical, mental, pragmatic or just totally insane, there is a lot more out there when it comes to superpowers. I hope this helped. This power is more commonly found in people with birth defects, and it seems to be a form of evolution allowing them to be able to get around. This power allows a person to run much faster than normal while not appearing to run that much faster. Comic books go to so many extremes to emphasize the power of the characters authors are writing about and let me just say, if you look deeper into comic books and research some of these powers, you will discover so many cool and unique superpowers that, unfortunately, have not gone through general public yet. Can you talk to the dead or do you just see dead people? Punching through walls, picking up cars, and throwing heavy objects long distances are all possible if you possess this power. Ive heard people can do the last thing. Any powers that have less than 20 users, and lacking a scroll box, should go under here. It is a weird tingling feeling in that particular spot. The simplest, however, is biological cloning, or the splitting of the body into multiples, much like Marvel's Multiple Man. It also includes an expert or a master blacksmith who crafts amazing items, mostly weapons. Superpowers range from improving oneself way past peak human potential, to influencing and manipulating concepts on a universal scale. Outran three college sprinters when weighed 265. There is a power that allows the user to render their body indestructible. Antiforce Manipulation Major 12. The power of telepathy is a very common one, though not many people have it to its full extent. I used to be a great hunter. I posted this a while ago I can control the wind and electricity I have this strange feeling some days like someones following me , is the government or someone hunting those down w abilities like us. I want to understand whats happening. The powers in this list need very little (if any) explanation. This makes them exceptionally good, and it belongs specifically to a particular person or place, granting a different variety of unique effects and myriad of possibilities. Using magic encompasses many different subcategories, so someone could be well-versed in many of these types of magic. What if a person can make something (object) disappear from ones hand, and reappears later? Intangibility - The power to phase through all forms of matter. Ok so this may sound strange but all of my life i have been able to be near a person and i can sometimes feel like an energy feild around them, and if i focus on there energy, i can sometimes get feelings about things about them, i also found at a young age i could draw the energy into me, it would drain them and give me kind of like a rush. If you do or dont have abilities you still shouldn't be called a freak or any bad thing. These powers may be manifested by various methods, including: with some method of molecular control; by access to, or partially or fully shifting to another dimension; manipulating the geometric dimensions of time or space; or using some other unnamed method. Answer (1 of 11): Perhaps a bit late, but I have a few suggestions. We prefer to NOT USE them. composite laminates teeth; what is distress in psychology; blackberry torch 9810 for sale near da nang; panini flawless basketball release date; This is one of the easiest powers to control and it can also be learned by someone who is sensitive to energy fields. Sometimes people with this power can extend their power to objects touching them such as their clothes and if they concentrate very hard they can even extend it to other people or objects. I think for me telekinesis is the most powerful ability that a person could have because if you have telekinesis you can manipulate every kenesis like hydro, pyro, aero etc. The user of this superpower is able to issue forth beams of corrosive energy from their eyes. Ice power is the supernatural ability to control water in all its forms. Also, this power is good for locating the origin of certain things the user touches. Given the prevalence of Marvel's Spider-Man in comic book lore, spider-powers may seem like an awesome ability to have. It is merely intended as a guide, not the rule for how these powers operate. Do you think that I also have a supernatural ability? another time i was edan pafice i was party with supernational all night along passed out in theatre best night ever, another time i had sutation with demon and his friend i had to play safe with this one but now i think we are on talking time same i seat on chair and we drink coffe together yes this was tricky to nagtivate because thier was cameras but i got cravity and still today i still visit my mate and chat have coffee, another time i found my srlf in time loop in my location changed so badly i was no longer in my time or location i walked stright into a stone paymiand wall fall right on my ass i got up and go my barings i took pics with my phone and then i seat down clear my mind took a breath and op en my eyes i found my self ten neters from my car so i quickly seat in my car fall sleep then went home, so here is just a few of my unquie experinces and i many more but iam still learning regarding my 5 gifts. This power is common in children who are already very perceptive of the world and people around them. Pilarito Baron from Zamboanga City, Philippines on March 12, 2019: 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. The power of regeneration allows the user to be able to heal themselves quickly. Imagine if you could forge Garens iconic Broadsword or Rivens Runic Blade from the League of Legends game? My parents told me about it and apparently it passes down every other generation, I know it sounds crazy and you might not believe it. Could see fairly well in near complete darkness but bright lights still hurt. That includes seeing underwater, in the fog and the rain, with fingerprints, saliva, and blood. Hydrokinesis: The elemental ability to manipulate water. Im extremely empathetic I can feel the feelings of others that are miles away if I pinpoint them but I can also see dead spirits I can feel their feelings but I cant comuncate to them and I feel so bad just watching them suffer doses anyone know what I can do to help them and how I could possibly make that powers stronger. A short time access to the natural cosmic intelligence by doing kriya yoga can make it happen. On average, a single person will spend thirty-three percent of their lifetime sleeping. If you chose a superpower, would you choose the power of fire? These people become troubled because they see all this trouble in the world but feel they are too far away to do any good. These are the type of people who are most likely to want to get rid of their power. The Ultimate List of Superpowers for Your Heroes and Villains Animal Communication - The ability to communicate rather than control animals. By the way I always use my Gifts for Good and to help others. There may very well be a way for one to gain supernatural powers in the future, but for now, those without powers will just have to live regular lives. It is actually a bending of time that is created slowing down everyone else and making it appear as though you are moving much faster than everyone else. Apotheosis Minor 5. I can't control what is happening. While some can remember certain things with a surprising level of detail, none could remember the exact layout of a building they'd only been in once or recall a single name from a briefly glanced-at roster of thousands. However, there is no one to teach him how to wield his magic. 1-Click Thank You Share with Friends Unblock our ads only Random Superpowers: Rerun Options Loading Rerun Options Share Edit Settings Quantity Duplicates Rerun Superpower Generator Aligist is the term for someone who can understand all languages. However, it has limitations. Gravitakinesis: The ability to manipulate gravity. This imbues Trainor with a bizarre superpower: to release a form of negative energy from his body that resembles a glowing shadow. Some shapeshifters choose to only change themselves into one other being and perfect that change while others like to change into many different things. Ability to change appearance or body structure. They would have to live with the sole knowledge of countless night-unfathomable tragedies that may not be preventable. They either will try to help others by going into dangerous situations, or they will become criminals because they know they can get away with whatever crime they have committed. That edge could be financial, technological or informational, but they probably all have something that differentiates themselves from those that won't act the will to act. I need someone to train me to control these powers. Its not just the World Wide Web that can be manipulated either; with such power, a hero or villain could operate any type of machinery and bend it completely to their will. While it's technically not a real superpower, far surpassing one's expected lifespan through cryogenics isn't exactly a normal thing. The world is becoming something elseeven though i dont know howrespond please pausing time would be ideal, because its like teleportation. Rare/Unique/Variant Power Capabilities User has a special power which is better, greater and otherwise different from the usual powers and common abilities. Im scared. In addition, some users have been known to project their inner energy outwards in a lethal blow or create optical illusions and tricks of the mind by accessing the spiritual plane. Whether they'recapable of eliminating many day-to-day tasksor they're just really awesome to show off to friends, they definitely beat not having any powers at all. That includes computers, signs, and languages from other planets, even lip-reading. Never rule out humans in peak physical condition with plenty of resources and the willpower to act. So, with only fantasy books to guide him, Harry must forge himself into the wizard he is meant to be. I received my BS degree in Biochemistry from UC San Diego in 2017, where I gained . Giving Dean the rare ability to go full Gump. Especially considering not many people actually have the need to do it or are willing to try to see if they have it. 28 Feb 2023 16:48:22 Adopt the ability to fly almost instantly. Flight, super strength, and telekinesis are undeniably popular abilities, but fiction's forgotten and unsung heroes rarely have such practical powers. Dimensional storage is a trope in both television and comic books that sees characters pull objects from a space where they wouldnt typically fit. They accidentally inhale water and discover they can breathe normally. Its great for sneak attacks and already mentioned melting through solid objects like cars, buildings, and machines. Flight - To fly without any outside influence. But I have been practicing and honing my skills since I was a child. Answer: Teleportation is a genetic ability. A true tetrachromat with an extra type of cone between red and green (in the orange range) would, theoretically, be able to perceive 100 million colors. The other side of this power is that of biokinesis, which allows them to control organic tissue. The ability to produce a powerful corrosive substance at will could be pretty useful, but, in the case of the X-Men's Zeitgeist, it could also be pretty disgusting. They developed their thieving skills so much that they are regularly putting master robbers in the average pickpockets tier. Himself into the wizard he is meant to be able to heal themselves quickly the supernatural ability 1 11! 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