After almost a year of torture since her arrest, she attempted to escape Azakaban in 1991. La bveda de los retratos, la cuarta bveda, fue explorada por Jacob, Patricia Rakepick y Peter Pettigrew. Rakepick's corporeal Patronus, in the shape of a lioness, Albus Dumbledore, her former teacher and employer. Patricia Rakepick was a student at Hogwarts, where she was placed into the House of Gryffindor. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery? There are three options to choose from. Madam Patricia Rakepick has been tasked with investigating the pesky cursed vaults, and your adventures into the mysteries of Hogwarts will not stop her. Telling Jacob's sibling that if they were to help her they should be aware of the dangers involved, Rakepick invited them to the Training Grounds to learn a new spell that would allow them to properly defend themselves. I will get to the final Cursed Vault before you! Select the class duration that suits you and hit Start to begin. Here is all the location answer for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Scavenger Hunt 2022: A broken down shop on Charing Cross Road. Before leaving the ground, she expressed her appreciation for their determination and thirst for knowledge and wished Jacob's sibling luck on their search for the Forbidden Forest. In actuality, Rakepick also worked with the malevolent organisation known as R, during which she pushed the Hogwarts student Duncan Ashe to brew a potent Erumpent Potion, which resulted in Duncan's death,[11] and attempted to enter the Buried Vault, the last major obstacle before the final Cursed Vault, but did not succeed. Biographical information To unlock the Aconite lesson, you need to acquire nine stars from Herbology classes. we will duel with grindylow and rakepick, then trap her in the vault forever in Year 6 Chapter 42 The Final Vault Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery ! The friend you brought along will try to open the door, but sadly, it wont work. Six of her seven choices turned up, with only Penny declining Rakepick's offer because she felt more like a potion-maker than a curse-breaker. [7] After a final confrontation with Jacob's sibling at the Sunken Vault, she was finally defeated and sent to Azkaban. The huge dragon will appear in the painting, which will terrify most of your friends. Between 1 September 1955 and 31 August 1956[1] Feldcroft Region Treasure Vaults. One way to win this duel is to go Aggressive or Sneaky and hit her with Incendio, Depulso, or Flipendo (depending on your attribute levels). This will knock Rakepick down, but before youre able to apprehend her, shell say a few more words and Disapparate from the vault. Youll quickly get to Merula to make sure shes okay. Each successful mini-task should award you some knowledge points, so try your best to complete them all. Upon arriving, you will be amazed by the caves interior. Merula will ask Ben if he knows of any spell that could help you clear the way. Q: Why look for the vaults? She would tell them everything she knew about the real leader of R, if they help her to escape while keeping at bay the Dementors. One down, one to go. After a while, Rakepick will appear in front of you. Rakepick did redeem herself for her indiscretions, however, when she saved the life of Jacob's sibling by coming to their rescue just as their attacker was about to deliver the coup de grace, casting a Blasting Curse so powerful that the attacker was blasted backwards, across almost the whole length of the Clocktower Courtyard and into a wall, knocking them out cold. But before that, you should take care of the lessons. : Leaky Cauldron. And, as always, try to do all of the mini-tasks successfully in order to gain some additional Knowledge points. You also learned that the vault portrait is the portkey set to activate soon, which will be the way to get into the Cursed Vault. Unfortunately, its strings were damaged, so you asked him to take the lyre to Kirley for repairs. Madam[3]Curse-Breaker[4]Professor[5] After the reveal and throughout 7th Year, Merula wildly and randomly shifts between . [12], Professor Dumbledore and Madam Rakepick in the Great Hall, Arriving at Hogwarts Castle alongside the students on 1 September 1987, Madam Rakepick entered the Great Hall shortly before the Start-of-Term Feast of the 19871988 school year, where she was greeted by and engaged in deep conversation with Professor Dumbledore. Patricia Rakepick However, as she was desperate to not return in prison, Rakepick hesitated to return the wand, forcing Jacob's sibling to disarm her wandlessly. A: Astronomy Tower The walls are lined with strange concoctions. Hogwarts staff members, who generally disliked and distrusted her. [4], Charged with anything having to do with the Cursed Vaults, Madam Rakepick was notified when two students were placed in harm's way by wandering mindlessly into the Forbidden Forest, apparently while under the influence of a somnambulism of some sort. The final Cursed Vault will look very similar to the other ones. If your health ever drops below half, you can easily heal with Wiggenweld Potion, and since youre likely to have a significant attribute advantage, this will pretty much negate most of the damage dealt to you. In return, Rakepick made inquiries into Jacob's sibling as well, questioning their classmates such as Penny Haywood. Professor Patricia Rakepick (born c. 1956) was a British witch and a world-famous Curse-Breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Spoilers will be present within the article. | All game-related assets are property of developers and/or publishers and are used by the BMG team for informational and educational purposes. The rest of the merpeople will happily cheer at you. Youll then decide to head into the vault. Shortly after, youll open the column, revealing the items hidden within it. To unlock Goldfinch to Golden Snitch lesson, you need to acquire a total of nine stars from Transfiguration classes. Mother[6] Madam Rakepick will suggest going on without him. Wand Harry Potter: Hogwarts .. - Which vault was releasing boggard into .. It was her belief that the Map would show them the location of the man who attacked Mundungus Fletcher who would have the portrait, the key to the next Cursed Vault. Rowan, shocked that her theory about R being Rakepick is wrong, asks the player who they think R is, and they have the option of choosing either Rita Skeeter, Madam Rosmerta or Filius Flitwick. As usual, prioritize the 5-cost actions to save energy. Born Red[4] Luckily, this will work and Madam Rakepick will start choking. The first vault is located at the end of the secret stairs and is hidden by a wall on the fifth floor. - Someone had to do it. This will mark the end of Chapter 42 of Year 6. The spell will work as intended, and the way into the vault will be revealed. Taking a practical approach will make Jacob happy, and lastly, Merula will be pleased if you choose a focused approach. The spell will work as intended, and you will notice the staircase leading up. She was taken somewhat by surprise when he replied that he had twelve Nifflers of his own, which had cost him his house, boat and favourite peg-leg, but he was eager to get more. Jacob will wonder how youre feeling. Return to the Astronomy Tower once you acquire enough stars to unlock the lesson. [49], Rakepick and the students waited for Ben for some while, and when he came, they grasped the vault portrait and travelled to the chamber outside the Buried Vault. : Divinations. Overhearing how they were discussing the Vaults and the reason why the curse would make students walk into the Forbidden Forest of all places, a question with potentially dangerous implications, Madam Rakepick finally made her presence known to the two young conspirators. All five stars are needed to pass. The Cursed Vaults were five legendary hidden rooms at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, each vault shielded by a different curse placed on it. Community content is available under. In the meantime, you decided to assemble a team that will go with you into the Black Lake to look for the . Youll wonder how it is possible for her to be so cruel. As for the mini-tasks, successfully completing each of those will award you some Courage points. Rakepick's character sheet indicates that she was modelled after actresses, She is the first Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor named in, Based on her Sorting, she may have been in the same year as Slytherin, In chapter 42 of year 6, her fate depends on the player, who can choose to trap her inside the. Eye colour This is a community by fans, for fans, and we have no affiliation with any of these companies. Location: Inside a house in Irondale. You will ask them if they also experienced the same thing as you. She also suggested they ask Professor Silvanus Kettleburn about how to enter the Dark Forest without being detected, since had spent a considerable amount of time exploring the forest and as such was privy to many of its secrets. [48] When the time of entering the next Cursed Vault was near, Rakepick arranged a private lecture on Portkeys for Jacob's sibling, Bill, Merula and Ben (who would all be entering the Vault) and explained that the vault portrait should be a Portkey that would travel that night. . [36], She took William Weasley, Merula Snyde, and Jacob's sibling on as assistant Curse-Breakers, forming a team to find the next Cursed Vault. All five stars are needed to pass, which is why its not recommended to start this task if you are low on energy. Magical characteristics While it is unknown how he felt about her rebellious streak, a trait for which, seen as it went beyond mere mischief-making, many of his colleagues came to distrust and dislike her for, she was nevertheless a talented student. - I was bored. He welcomed her warmly back to Hogwarts upon inviting her back to the castle to help the staff in their efforts to put a stop to the threat posed to the security of the school and those who dwelled therein by the fabled Cursed Vaults, though it is unknown if he shared Severus Snape's suspicions about her ulterior motives, the latter of whom believed, quite correctly, that Dumbledore trusted her. In addition, she is one of the two Gryffindor antagonists shown in the universe, the other being Peter . Jacob's sibling was able to cast a fully-fledged Shield Charm in time, deflecting the curse. Among these teachers were Rolanda Hooch, whose contempt of Rakepick was such that she outright refused to voice her honest opinion on her in front of her pupils, and Pomona Sprout warned one of her students that Rakepick might be more even dangerous than she appeared at first glance. [Source]. Did you manage to break the Statue Curse? The Register. [Disclaimer: Walkthrough for this chapter has been updated in November 2022.]. This eventually left Jacob's sibling uncertain if Rakepick can be trusted or if they are playing right into the hand of their potential enemy. This requires earning at least one out of five stars within eight hours. Trace the path on the screen to do so. She often worked together with the Marauders (James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew). After a short introduction of her own, mentioning both her work at Gringotts and how her suspicions about the Cursed Vaults went all the way back to her own education at Hogwarts, she proceeded to affirm her intentions of finding the Cursed Vaults and unveil the secrets within and urged the students to be forthcoming whenever she might need their assistance, but also also strongly advised them against trying to get in any way involved without her prior permission. In the end, they agreed to put aside their personal animosity and work together to bring the student to the Hospital Wing.[4]. [8] Being gifted, she quickly proved to be the most outstanding student of her year and was always top of her class. Unable to do anything about it, you will turn your gaze away and wait for the inevitable. In the end, however, Snape's suspicions were proven partially correct when she fooled Jacob's sibling into breaking into the office of Argus Filch for a wild goose chase, only to swoop in and retrieve something she herself had been looking for. The same goes for mini-tasks since those will provide you with some extra Empathy points. The fifth and final vault lies somewhere outside Hogwarts Castle, in the Black Lake but little is known about it and it remains a mystery. Durante el viaje, los tres se encontraron con el dragn que custodiaba la bveda. Su ubicacin es un misterio pero se dice que est fuera de Hogwarts, probablemente bajo tierra. Afterwards, introduced the students to her pet, and said he had been assigned to her by the management of Gringotts Wizarding Bank to burrow underground for treasure hidden at cursed sites. Treat this lesson just like the classes you took beforehand, and you shouldnt encounter any problems. While she was sorted into Gryffindor upon arriving at Hogwarts, Severus Snape noted her to be unusually cunning for a member of that house. This is where one of the choices from the previous chapter will be referenced. In any case, youll get to look around and see if you can find anything interesting. Hell then Disapparate from the vault, leaving you once again. She later also tried to use the Killing Curse, which again requires a genuine willingness to kill and disregard for the life to be extinguished, on Ben Copper when he managed to actually hurt her during a duel. Youll then get to use Legilimency on the door. However, you wont feel any pain, and after a few moments, you will open your eyes to see poor Rowan lying motionless in front of you. Youll earn an additional reward for completing the lesson. She then engaged in a fierce duel with them, eventually casting the Killing Curse with the intention of it hitting Ben Copper, but he was pushed out of the way by Rowan Khanna and the spell killed them instantly. Professor Patricia Rakepick (born between September 1955 and August 1956) was a Dark witch and a world-famous Curse-Breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Moments later, the angry dragon will burst out of the portrait. Severus Snape, however, the Potions Master and former schoolmate of Rakepick's, did not trust her at all, going so far as to saying she had ulterior motives for being at Hogwarts and that she was after the Cursed Vaults for her own gain, and quite possibly meant to kill both them and anyone else who stood in her way. [13] She was presumably returned back to her cell. TLDR. Hopefully, you'll get the answers to them and find Jacob and free him. You have two options to choose from, you can either trust him or not. [4], Already there when Jacob's sibling arrived for their lesson, Madam Rakepick, who by then had been informed by the staff that the pupil before her was quite gifted, decided to try and solidify their potential alliance by appealing to their shared experience of embarking on curse-breaking adventures and the understanding of the dangers involved. Once you arrive, Madam Rakepick will greet everyone and say a few words of encouragement. While Professor Albus Dumbledore found her to be an exceptional pupil,[12] she was nevertheless greatly disliked by most of her professors for her rebellious streak, a sentiment that did not improve when she, rather than being a good role model to her younger peers as she grew older, began mentoring them in the art of trouble-making. Like before, you should focus on completing as many 5-cost actions as possible. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. A: Potions There may be a forbidden Cursed Vault here! Bear in mind that the dragon has a lot of health, so this will likely be a long duel, but if you use this strategy, you are almost guaranteed to win. The name "Patricia" is a common female given name of Latin origin, and is derived from the Latin word "patrician", meaning "noble", and is the feminine form of the masculine given name Patrick. Recognising that Rakepick regarded one of the pupils as a potential rival in her quest to find the Vaults, and aware how Rakepick dealt with rivals, Snape cleverly had said student serving as his spy to shift her attention over on him to protect the student as a supposed mastermind of the youngster's actions, while also using the ploy as a tool to try and learn what Rakepick was up to and expose her to Dumbledore, the one person who they knew for a certainty would be able to put a stop to her plot, whatever it might be. She also told the students how she came up with his name and affectionately described his sweet disposition and destructive capabilities. At some point during the 1987-1988 school year, Minerva McGonagall had a very heated argument with Rakepick about "something important", suggesting that the Transfiguration teacher, who presumably began to teach her when Dumbledore rose to the post of Headmaster, also did not think very highly of the younger witch or her methods. 888 270 Comments does sound travel in space nasa Sadly, shell easily counter your spell and continue torturing Merula. According to Severus Snape, she made a career out of eliminating her competition,[8] leaving many who knew her by reputation only with the impression that she was not to be crossed. Recognising this as the same sleepwalking curse that had been unleashed on the school years ago, she visited the victims at the Hospital Wing: one was a young Gryffindor boy whose injuries were so severe that he was in no condition to provide her with any useful information; the other was a Ravenclaw girl named Tulip Karasu. [11] The memories were put in vials in a chest, which was nearly a decade later hidden behind a painting in Rakepick's office when she was made the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts. Over the years, a number of articles about her were published in the Daily Prophet: among them one claiming that she had at one point killed a Sphinx with her bare hands, and another stating that she once allegedly ripped the tail off a Manticore.[3]. Patricia Rakepick had mixed relationships with the faculty at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If you completed Audition for the Frog Choir Adventure, you might get some extra lines of dialogue, based on the choices youve made there. He and the friend you brought along will then attempt to open the door, but their efforts will prove futile. A cross between an attic and an old tea shop. [4] During her many trips into the forest, she encountered one or more members of the local Centaur colony, a negative experience for both parties. He found her in Brazil, working at the wizarding school Castelobruxo, exploring the newly-discovered ruins underneath the building. [13][20], While working with R, Rakepick also attempted to break into the Buried Vault with Jacob and Peter Pettigrew, but upon seeing the Hungarian Horntail that guarded the Vault, Pettigrew fled, leaving Rakepick and Jacob to face the dragon, and despite their best efforts, they failed to completely defeat it, but distracted it long enough for Jacob to use his Legilimency abilities to open the door. This requires earning five stars within an hour. After a few moments, Rakepick will raise her wand and prepare to cast the killing curse on you. Five years his senior at Hogwarts, Severus Snape met Patricia Rakepick for the first time while they were both still students, and took an immediate dislike to her: Bold as brass and with little regards for school rules, and a member of Gryffindor House to boot, Patricia Rakepick was someone whom Severus would one day compare to his arch-rival during his schooldays, James Potter, another trouble-making Gryffindor. Jacob's sibling, her former student and enemy. She will raise her wand and start casting the Killing Curse. Once you win, the dragon will fall to the ground unconscious and Bill will manage to free all of your friends that were trapped by the rubble. After Rakepick left school, she became a professional Curse-Breaker . Thus, Olivia was initially not aware of Rakepick's involvement in this, but she overheard when Rakepick was talking about this to another member of R.[11], After Duncan died when brewing the potion, Olivia confronted Rakepick and admitted that she knew about her plan, which made Rakepick cast the Full Body-Bind Curse on Olivia and extract her memories of the whole event so that she wouldn't remember, and also that Rakepick would have insurance against R if they double-crossed her. At one point, when Rakepick arrived at the upstairs corridors, she heard Jacob's sibling talking to a man (who was in fact Peter Pettigrew) about the vault portrait and Peeves. Indeed, many held her abilities in such a high regard that many considered her to be the best Curse-Breaker in the world. Going as far as to proclaim them a curse-breaker on equal footing as herself, she went on to emphasise the importance of self-defence. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. She reiterated R's warning of them "owing a friend's life" and considered the debt collected before Disapparating. Rakepick took her former student's wand and saved their lives by casting an incorporeal Patronus. Confronted with her eavesdropping, however, she shifted the blame over to them by reminding them that, in no uncertain terms, the Cursed Vaults were no longer their concern. Her stringency in this regard was assumed to be the reason why Sickleworth was, according to Professor Kettleburn, the most well-behaved Niffler he had ever seen.[53]. Shell point towards the lyre and give you a questioning look. Still, all of them will be very determined to go in. [21], During the first part of the tutorial, Jacob's sibling practised casting the Shield Charm against Death Eater dummies while Rakepick observed and occasionally offered advice. Rakepick will point out that he has changed a lot ever since she last saw him. Shortly after, shell say that she intends to kill you and your friends. Shortly after, you will decide to cast the Gouging Spell to clear the rocks at the entrance of the cave. Youll suddenly remember the Garroting Gas Snape gave you. When you earn the fifth star, you will need to bow to Kappa. I know a Keeper when I see one. Afterwards, she reportedly spent as much time in the forest as she did in the castle. Head Curse-Breaker at Gringotts Wizarding Bank (?1988)[4][3]Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (19881989) Hell ask you to touch the column and free him. During their discussion, Rakepick revealed to her former student how 'R' actually was, not an alternative name of The Cabal like they and their allies had previously thought, but actually the initial of a mysterious individual who was the real mastermind and leader of the group, and to whom Rakepick and even the Director were just a little more than puppets. Go there when you are ready. Upon spotting Jacob's sibling, she inquired about Mr Bilton Bilmes, the proprietor of Zonko's Joke Shop, whom she had encountered on one of her trips to Hogsmeade, as she thought there was something "peculiar" about him. Pay attention to Bills question during the lesson. This duel can be extremely challenging, especially if you rushed through the story, and didnt take time to level up your attributes. 17 Keep An Eye On Your Level & Experience Bar. Shell then motion for you to follow her. Despite her injuries, even the Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts wont miss the opportunity to meet the famous Jacob. Fifth star, you will ask them if they also experienced the same thing you. Take time to level up your attributes one of the secret stairs and is hidden by a wall on fifth. Youll then get to use Legilimency on the door them will be amazed by the BMG team for and! The class duration that suits you and your friends had mixed relationships the. 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