Andy Prest: Honk if you remember all these crazy things that happened in 2022 The death of a beloved Queen, the Tweets of a bewildering billionaire, and a honking big mess on the streets of. on his bagpipes before being knocked unconscious by a grenade. United States Supreme Court ruled Medicinal Use Of Marijuana users can be prosecuted for violating federal drug laws. Both the patient and the assistant died later of gangrene, most likely due to the saw being unclean. 3. Anesthesia as we know it didn't exist, so patients were awake for the entire procedure, meaning the shorter it was, the better. Their motives were unclear. 1. Most recently, prosecutors have said that Ana's phone pinged on her home on both Jan. 1 and Jan. 2 when surveillance video obtained during the police investigation revealed that Brian went to. Now she has 6 Grammys, a super-cute baby bump, and much better hair. Source: NPR 1 . 11. Certainly, popular culture has conditioned us to fear clowns, with fictional portrayals like those in It to actual events like the serial murders committed by John Wayne Gacy, known in the press as "The Killer Clown." It has also changed the music industry itself. By 2006, search engine Google purchased the company for $1.65 billion in Google stock. Salon. Well, here are the ten moments, ideas, and innovations which defined the decade. St. Helens eruption of 1980 [source: Lowenstern et al.]. The town of Palisade, NV like many other "Wild West" towns of the time was actually very peaceful and had so few crimes that it didn't even have an official sheriff. The Live 8 benefit concerts are held during July. With close to 500 million people worldwide using the euro, its use and expanding use will help shape our future and hopefully lead us into a stage of macroeconomic stability. Feb. 1, 2005. In many of these instances, the danger was imminent and horrifyingly clear, like the sight of a mushroom cloud rising over Hiroshima in 1945 or the tsunami wave rolling toward the beaches of Indonesia in 2004. Each time a suitor wanted to challenge Khutulun, she required them to wager some of their horses in case she was the winner. It led to an argument at the United Nations about what constitutes genocide and what necessitates U.N. action. It's unclear whether Hemingway involved any actual guano (bird or bat droppings) in the process. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this article: by H. Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStock/Getty Images, Dina Rudick/The Boston Globe via Getty Images, Thierry Falise/LightRocket via Getty Images. Police arrested a man in Kentucky who was dressed like a clown and hiding in a ditch [source: Teague]. Mike said that this year has been a rather bad one, especially for the people living in the United States. Harry Potter became famous for its cult-like following, with millions of kids everywhere waiting outside bookstores for midnight parties on release dates. The first incident was in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Retrieved from The vice president of PepsiCo attended an American "exhibition" in Moscow in 1959 as part of an effort to convince the Soviet Union of the benefits of capitalism. (Oct. 21, 2016), Rothman, Lily. Despite reassurances from experts, people were worried. Stay in the loop: sign up to Out. One of the soldiers took the bear in and named him Wojtek, and he was trained in part by a civilian refugee. We learn that the young man, played by Dev Patel, is not interested in the money, but in finding his lost girlfriend. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is elected president of Liberia becoming the first woman president in an African Country. The wild things that happened 10 years ago . It released a whopping 585 cubic miles (2,450 square kilometers) of molten rock and created a caldera measuring some 60 miles (96.6 kilometers) across. An African woman leads the World Trade Organization. In 1983, during the Cold War, a single Soviet lieutenant colonel by the name of Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov avoided nuclear war by correctly identifying a false alarm with the Soviet missile detection system. Nearly 3,000 people died in the country's worst terrorist attack, which made al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden household names. There was a cat who started in the Nazi navy in WWII, then became a ship's cat in the British Royal Navy, and survived three sinking ships during his naval service. might be totally false. Dec. 20, 2012. Just as scary as the tsunami itself is the possibility that a deadly event could happen again despite the installation of an early detection system in the Indian Ocean. In just a few months, people had reported more than 100 clown sightings and threats in the United States, and the phenomenon began to spread to other countries, including England, Canada and Australia [source: Shilling]. (Sorry to all the Constantine Maroulis diehards!). Now it's hard to imagine there not being. Michael Jackson's death at age 50 on June 25, 2009, led to tributes all over the world. Feeling safer yet? Here are nine things we somehow got by without before 2005: 1. Before the company's founding in 2006, we had to get through our days without recognizing the 13 Potatoes That Look Like Channing Tatum nor the 14 Cats Who Think Theyre Sushi. While such actions may seem crazy now, they could one day prove necessary. They scored the tying run, and eventually won the game in the 12th inning. A new cadre of internet citizen has been created since 2005: The social media editor. Eighty percent of the city remained in stagnant floodwaters for weeks. "Unsinkable Sam" was the nickname given to this cat, who was actually named Oscar. See, the Indonesian island of Sumatra sits right next to a hyperactive fault zone. First off, the entire course was very dusty and breathing in that dust caused all kinds of injuries, including one runner who was hospitalized with hemorrhaging after the dust tore his esophagus and stomach lining. Oct. 5, 2016 (Oct. 10, 2016), NASA. Funeral mass of Pope John Paul II on April 8, 2005, Vatican City. 2. Here are the worst things that have happened. Buzzfeed ListsSpeaking of buzz, the media world has been transformed by the rise of Buzzfeed-style lists or listicles. (Oct. 11, 2016), Taylor, Jim. Everyone was in on it, even the US Cavalry and a local Native American tribe, who would stage battles against each other for the entertainment of the passing railroad travelers. The game was changed. Multnomah County Chair Linn, Oregon announced the county would begin granting licenses for same-sex marriages. He. Hotels and motels were especially susceptible, as travelers spread them from location to location. 11th March 2004 Madrid train bombings or Madrid train bombings: Simultaneous explosions on rush hour trains in Madrid, Spain, kill 191 people. The triumph of change was approved all around the world. Not to mention, my insurance no longer covered my RA medication, so I was dealing with that pain too. Runners-up: Hurricane Katrina, Victorian Bushfire, Climate Change. The 2020s started off pretty rough, you could even say horribly. Steve Jobs didnt invent the mp3 player, but he did revolutionize it. Along with tie-in merchandise and movie deals, the franchise is worth an estimated 15 billion. (Oct. 13, 2016), Folger, Tim. Reporting on what you care about. The search for the missing and involved over 130 people. The News Feed -- now the homepage of the site -- wasn't introduced until 2006. By Hannah Orenstein Published: Jun 23, 2016 Getty 1. "Y2K: The New Year's Disaster That Never Happened." He even typed up a constitution, which was just a copy of the US Constitution with any occurrences of "United States" replaced with "New Atlantis.". Halley's Comet came again in 1986, and with any luck, we'll all see it again in 2061 [source: Clark]. Runners-up: Spain Wins Euro 2008, Zinedine Zidanes Headbutt, 2008 New York Giants. People. The wave struck on Dec. 26, 2004, with a catastrophic force usually confined to apocalyptic action flicks. Some of the top featured acts were U2, Paul McCartney, Elton, John, Pink Floyd, Madonna, Stevie Wonder, and Green Day. 4. Mass protests during the G20 Economic Summit in 2009. He correctly guessed its arrival in 1759, and the comet dazzled the night sky again in 1835. Daniela Jovanovska-Hristovska / Getty Images. Levees separating Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans, Louisiana were breached by the surge, ultimately flooding roughly 80% of the city of New Orleans and 1600 perished. Feb 23 Slovakia Summit 2005 begins; George W. Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin attend - 1st visit of a sitting US President to Slovakia. Facebook NewsfeedFacebook was merely an infant at the time of HuffPost's debut, and the now-ubiquitous platform was limited to users at Harvard and other elite universities. It was so popular Zac Efron even got a tattoo of the saying on his hand. 5: Earth Passes Through the Tail of Halley's Comet, 2: The United States Nearly Loses John Glenn and the Friendship 7 Spacecraft, Carlson, Adam. Brandon Lee, a promising actor and son of . "Mad Jack" Churchill, a British Army officer during WWII, was, At one point, the makers of Pepsi had the. All the decor is real and handpicked by a small team of dedicated, very talented, Tennessee men. Deaths occurred in fourteen different countries, and Indonesia suffered the worst fatalities. That's nowhere close to enough time, particularly in large cities where evacuation routes could quickly choke with cars [source: Folger]. 9. 13. So the USSR bought billions of dollars worth of Pepsi by trading submarines, military ships, and a lot of vodka for the soda. Earth Passes Through the Tail of Halley's Comet Washington, D.C., Sniper Attacks Cuban Missile Crisis The United States Nearly Loses John Glenn and the Friendship 7 Spacecraft 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami 10: Y2K Perhaps more frightening than Y2K is the size of our old computer monitors. Part of the reason for its strange allure is the tragic accident which occurred on set. TechRepublic. The resulting tsunami slammed 11 countries as far away as South Africa, with waves up to 100 feet high. Here's How We Prepped for the Non-Disaster." The public reaction was frightening as well. Over 50 deaths were reported, and over 200 injured. Robert Liston, a surgeon in the 1800s, performed an operation with a. 7. Finally, yes, the biggie. "Carbon Dioxide's 400ppm Milestone Shows Humans Are Rewriting the Planet's History." Jan. 21, 2011. The tsunami claimed victims in both poor villages and plush tourist resorts. 25 Crazy Things People Believe Could Happen In 2022. Oceans are warming and acidifying. All rights reserved. In the celebrity equivalent of a zoom gig, all the stars got together to perform for us for Lady Gaga 's One World concert, where stars . Kristen Wiig made her debut on Saturday Night Live, and she's been making us laugh ever since! Sometimes one person's scary event can have a ripple effect across a nation. 6. iPhonesBelieve it or not, the iPhone wasn't invented until 2007. The Red Sox had gone 86 years without a World Series title, and were not going to go home empty handed. (Oct. 11, 2016), Miller, Laura. If you've ever lived in a small town, you know that small sleights or misinterpreted gestures can quickly become a big deal when the local rumor mill kicks into gear. Wilderness-survival boot camps recruited participants like never before. The Pacific Northwest and Midwest would be particularly hard hit, resulting in a short-term devastation of agriculture and waterways choked with gray sludge. Interestingly, there are studies being done that argue iPods are making kids more anti-social, because they can turn on their music instead of socializing. If you loved this article and want more content like this, support our site with a visit to our Contribution Page.Please and thank you. Carrie Underwood won Season 4 of American Idol. Al-Qaeda, a terrorist group centered in the Middle East, and its leader Osama Bin Laden were blamed for the attack. Pope Benedict served until his resignation in 2013 and the current pontiff,Pope Francis, was appointed. In other words, we become scared superheroes ready to fight hard or run fast depending on the situation. December 17, 2020. The long term effects of the attacks are still being felt today, and will continue to shape the world for years to come. Negotiations went on for six days while the United States Strategic Air Command, which was responsible for the nation's strategic nuclear strike forces, stood at DEFCON 2, the highest level of readiness ever ordered [source: U.S. Department of State]. Making things worse, a recently-discovered technique known as spectroscopy was used to analyze the composition of the comet, and scientists learned something unsettling namely that the tail contained a toxic gas known as cyanogen. So how do we handle these situations? Johnny Carson hosts The Tonight Show for the last time. The woman was using her phone in the Olympic National Forest when she fell into the toilet. It was a recipe for mass hysteria. A young girl discovered a severed human foot in a sneaker in the Strait of Georgia during the summer of 2007. A tornado hits western Kentucky and southwestern Indiana, killing at least 22. Matthew McConaughey was crowned People's Sexiest Man Alive because he's so hot all the time, every year, so why not 2005? Fortunately, they weren't, as the sensor that raised the alarm turned out to be faulty, and Glenn landed in the Atlantic without incident. Having failed at their first attempt, the duo moved on to a grocery store where they killed a man walking across the parking lot. The shootings continued for the next three weeks, claiming victims at a gas station, home improvement store, middle school and other ordinary public places [source: Philofsky]. "The Definitive Map of America's Creepy Clown Epidemic." Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith hit theaters, and we thought the series was complete. Woody Allen and Mia Farrow engage in a very public and nasty custody battle over their three children. Since 2005, the Seattle Sounders (MLS) and the Washington Nationals (MLB) have also joined the scene. Scientists believe climate change will continue to affect the planet through this century and beyond [source: NASA, "The Consequences"]. Murder is one of the most heinous acts a person can commit, and unfortunately, it is all too common in our society. 6. The Crow (1994) The Crow has become a moody, gothic cult classic. So what was the big deal? Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has been elected as the new Pope, he has taken the name Pope Benedict XVI, MG Rover, the UK's sole remaining volume producer goes into receivership. Runners-up: Lost, The Sopranos, Family Guy. 1990: Nelson Mandela Was Released Nelson Mandela walked to freedom in 1990. But instead, the heroic Glenn set the stage for the ultimate American space victory: Landing a man on the moon [source: National Archives]. There have been 10 more feet found, and it remains a partial mystery as to identity of the owners. Could an astronomical event impact the Earth and all life on it? It has been acclaimed as being a small representative of the future of film, because of its international cast, crew, and audience. Fear is an ancient emotion. The Nashville Curse was broken! It stands out as the most conventional action in a war that has rewritten the rules on conflict. 42 of 68 43 of 68 Aug. 31, 2005 Express-News file photo Show More Show Less 44 of 68 Sept. 1, . "People Fear Clowns for the Same Reason They Fear Uncertainty." 7. He got out shortly before the finish line and crossed it, which fooled some of the onlookers. Pepsi, the soda company, once had the 6th largest military in the world. A Mysterious Object Is Being Dragged Into the Supermassive Black Hole at the Milky Way's Center. So, the people of Palisade decided they would stage Western-style shootouts in the street, bank robberiesyou name it. Brazil President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, China Chairman of the People's Republic of China Hu Jintao, Germany Chancellor Gerhard Schrder Till 22 November, Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel From 22 November, India Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, Italy Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Japan Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, Russia / Soviet Union General Secretary of the CPSU Vladimir Putin, South Africa State President Thabo Mbeki, United Kingdom Prime Minister Tony Blair, Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved Copyright 2022. Despite all this, she returned to work for the same shipping company, White Star, about four years later. Wikipedia. (2021, August 31). Here are 16 of the wildest experiences actors and crew had on set: 1. "Steam Explosions, Earthquakes, and Volcanic Eruptions What's in Yellowstone's Future?" 10 Major News Stories of the 2000s. The first months of the year were full of X-rays, surgeon visits and physical therapy. Apple saw the flaws of these products and attempted to fix them all. World War I Two drinking buddies, British Commander Edmund Rhoades and German Captain Berndt, found themselves on opposite sides when war broke out. Whenever I think of that, still make me chuckle. Runners-up: HD TV, high speed internet, Wikipedia. 5. The three creators were all former Paypal employees and came up with the concept to create a platform on which it would be easier to share videos with others over the internet in a style similar to popular photo sharing sites of the time. American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the USS Cole off Yemen were among them. The film made instant sensations out of its fresh-faced stars Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint. An Australian speedskater won that country's first-ever gold medal in a Winter Games because of sheer crazy luck. Saddam Hussein, Iraq's brutal dictator since 1979, was successfully ousted from power; his two sons, Uday and Qusay, were killed fighting with coalition troops; and Hussein was found hiding in a hole on Dec. 14, 2003. Liston was renowned for being one of the fastest surgeons alive, which at the time was a very good thing. "Stephen King Urges People to 'Cool the Clown Hysteria' After More Reports and Arrests." Even the venerated Time magazine set up a generator-powered "war room" in the basement of their building. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. While most were horrified by the carnage, news footage from around the globe captured some people cheering in response to the attacks. Politics undoubtedly cloud the issue of climate change. He said, "give me that.". This story happened at Disneyland Paris. There were countless natural disasters in 2022, stoking concerns that the consequences of climate change have finally arrived. 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