One of the biggest problems in the United States so far has been the lack of a coherent, cohesive national response, said Wafaa El-Sadr, an epidemiologist at Columbia University. | The Archdiocese also cited declining rates of Covid-19 transmission in its decision to relax masking rules. For policies on physical distancing, we recorded whether a stay-at-home order was issued and, if so, when. The estimated absolute change in cumulative case rate associated with lifting the mask mandate, remains 28.1 (30.6%) 21 days after lifting the mask mandate. For mask adherence levels, we utilized the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) COVID-19 Projections online database [15], which holds data collected by Facebook Global in partnership with the University of Maryland Social Data Science Center [16]. Crude and adjusted odds ratios for any mask policy in relation to high COVID-19 rates in the subsequent month were below 1.0; but confidence intervals were wide. Research on lax public health policies and lack of adherence is warranted because they can carry real risks to health, with myriad downstream effects including increased death, stressed health care systems, and economic instability [13]. It is important to note that state level distributions of demographic factors do not account for concentrations or sparsity of populations within a given state. The. The study referenced in the One America News Network report says the opposite, noting that mask mandates were linked to statistically significant decreases in COVID-19 case within 20 days of implementation. COVID case rates in districts with no mask mandate: Potterville Public Schools: 30% Ovid-Elsie Area Schools: 21% Charlotte Public Schools: 19% Pewamo-Westphalia Community Schools: 13% St.. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Our observed associations should influence policy-makers and contribute to public health messaging by government officials and the media that mask wearing is a key component of COVID-19 mitigation. Mr. Hale said the Oxford data makes it clear that acting quickly and forcefully is the best shot governments have to combat the virus. Because stay-at-home order, mask wearing policy, mask adherence, and COVID-19 rates can vary from month to month, we listed those states with consistent classifications across the period April through September (or May through October for COVID-19 rates). Methodology, States with mask mandates saw higher mask adherence. JAMA. One state is the lone holdout. By Jocelyn Solis-Moreira But even allowing for differences in testing rates, the similarity in case trends is striking. High school students in Seattle staged a protest demanding that a mask mandate be reinstated, and psychologists now deal with the anxieties of children who dont want their classmates to see their faces. When Can I Dine Indoors Again After Being Fully Vaccinated? Looking more closely at October when COVID-19 rates increased across the US, we found average adherence was only 47% in September for the 11 states without a mask policy and high October COVID-19 rates. The pandemic planners at the United Kingdoms Department of Health had reached a similar conclusion: In line with the scientific evidence, the Government will not stockpile facemasks for general use in the community. Anthony Fauci acknowledged this evidence early in the pandemic, both in his public comments (Theres no reason to be walking around with masks, he told 60 Minutes) and in his private emails (I do not recommend you wear a mask, he told a colleague, explaining that masks were too porous to block the small Covid virus). 2.18.2022 4:30 PM. No, Is the Subject Area "Hispanic people" applicable to this article? Thus, subsequent comparisons of states with high COVID-19 rates by month focused on July, August, September and October. The strongest association was for mask adherence in September; for every 1% increase in average adherence, the odds of a high COVID-19 case rate decreased by 26%. Like the debate about lockdowns, the debate about mask mandates will continue. Privacy Policy | Yes Beyond the question of how effective masking is in practice, there is the question of what impact mask mandates have on behavior. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Thats a huge swing, Werler says. Mask wearing has been advocated by public health officials as a way to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Five states are rolling back mask mandates. If you add up all the numbers on those two lines, you find that the mask mandates made zero difference. Herring dismissed those results, claiming unnamed experts told the news network that the reductions in spread the study found were not significant. Virginia. Now, Midwestern states have among the worst outbreaks. Jha thinks vaccination rates areanother important factor: While "only 59% of eligible Florida seniors have gotten boosted," he notes, the rate for California is 70 percent. February 28, 2023 at 5:55 am EST. R-0 may be the most important scientific term youve never heard of when it comes to stopping the coronavirus pandemic. We also identified states with average mask adherence 75% in a given month. So could age demographics: The median age of Florida's population is 42.5, compared to 37 in California. "Lifting of mask mandates across the board without consideration of the caveats does open the opportunity for another wave," Werler says. When mask adherence dropped in September, COVID-19 cases increased in October. But the surge is worst now in places where leaders neglected to keep up forceful virus containment efforts or failed to implement basic measures like mask mandates in the first place, according to a New York Times analysis of data from the University of Oxford. States with more than 200 COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents were considered to have a high case rate. Texas locked down in the spring, when it had relatively few cases, then reopened quickly. But a new study examines how the value of these actions also came with costs. For mask policy and adherence in September in relation to high COVID-19 rates in October, collinearity caused the odds ratio to flip. States are issuing a new wave of mask mandates and social restrictions as record numbers of Covid-19 hospitalizations and soaring daily cases strain US medical systems. No, Is the Subject Area "United States" applicable to this article? Werler and her team used the COVID-19 U.S. State Policy Database to collect policy and demographic data from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. California tested a larger share of its population at the peak of its omicron surge than Florida did, and Florida's positivity rate was higher, which suggests that Florida missed a larger share of infections than California. Eleven states had no stay-at-home order, 15 had no mask policy, and four states had low adherence throughout this six-month period. Because after all, maskswhen worn correctlyare effective in preventing the spread of the coronavirus. "At first blush," Jha says, it "looks like their different COVID strategies did not end up mattering much." The question is and Im sure thats the conversation now happening in the halls of power what do we do next? Mean COVID-19 rates for states with at least 75% mask adherence in the preceding month was 109.26 per 100,000 compared to 249.99 per 100,000 for those with less adherence. No, Is the Subject Area "Public and occupational health" applicable to this article? Our analysis suggests high adherence to mask wearing could be a key factor in reducing the spread of COVID-19. He adds that the two states "had nearly identical infection rates.". Illinois will lift its face mask requirement on Feb.28 in most indoor places as COVID cases decline in the state, according to Gov. 18, 2020. New Zealands prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, called it a validation of the countrys go hard, go early strategy, in which the country reacts rapidly to signs of community spread. Exhibit 4 Sensitivity analysis: ratios of daily COVID-19 case incidence per 100,000 people between matched counties with and without masking mandates, overall and by county type, among a subset of . "Unfortunately, the virus hasnt gone away and is still easily transmissible. No, Is the Subject Area "Pandemics" applicable to this article? Contributed equally to this work with: 2023 Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, Inc. All rights reserved. "There are over 200 percent more cases in a school (district) that does not have a mask mandate," said Dr. Catherine Troisi, an. The study concluded that mask mandates and use are not associated with slower state-level Covid-19 spread during Covid-19 growth surges. The medias narrative about masks extended throughout the world. Its been largely delegated to a subnational level, to the states, for example, and municipalities to figure it out themselves.. She holds a Masters in Psychology concentrating on Behavioral Neuroscience. As you can see from the lines similar trajectories, the mask mandates hardly controlled the virus. Conceptualization, Writing original draft, The index comes from Oxfords Blavatnik School of Government, where researchers track the policies or lack thereof governments use to contain the virus and protect residents, such as contact tracing, mask mandates and restrictions on businesses and gatherings. After the pandemic, a survey of gains and losses. (Though todays ruling by U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle in Tampa, declaring the Biden administrations mask mandate for public transportation unlawful, comes as welcome news.) Fact check: Masks and vaccines are effective at combating COVID-19 spread. The politicization of COVID-19 epidemiology [9,12] has further complicated policy-making, messaging, and uptake. Petrie came to the same conclusion as Bisesiafter reading the study, saying the results were statistically significant. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our analysis of state and D.C.-level data does not account for variations in policy, adherence, and demographic factors at smaller geographic levels, such as county-levels. Most states imposed tight restrictions in the spring even if they did not have bad outbreaks then. Thus, policy and adherence levels in a given month were contrasted with lagged COVID-19 case rates in the subsequent month. However, the COVID-19 rates continued to be higher in places with low mask adherence. Massachusetts. Note: Measurements of government response come from the Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Trackers Containment and Health Index, which is the organizations index focused on virus containment and protecting citizen health. Of the 8 states with at least 75% mask adherence, none reported a high COVID-19 rate. Parents have pushed for the mask mandate to be lifted for a number of reasons. New York. We abstracted daily percentages of the population who say they always wear a mask in public. Sources: Restrictions tightened as cases were rising. So did New Mexico, whose surge began shortly after Scientific American praised the states strict mask policies in an article headlined, How New Mexico Controlled the Spread of Covid-19.. For a while, the residents were spared. California's state of emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic is finally over, ending on Tuesday after nearly three years in place. For all 50 states and D.C., data on mask wearing and physical distance policies, mask adherence, COVID-19 cases, and demographics were abstracted from publicly available sources. To reduce the rate of COVID-19 cases nationwide, Werler says people need to wear their masks. Over a third of states are ending COVID-19 mask mandates. The requirement is expected to be lifted on March 1. The black line on the graph shows the weekly rate of Covid cases in all the states with mask mandates that week, while the orange line shows the rate in all the states without mandates. John Tierney is a contributing editor of City Journal and coauthor of The Power of Bad: How the Negativity Effect Rules Us and How We Can Rule It. The Bangladesh study, in other words, does not demonstrate the effectiveness of the cloth masks that adults tend to pull out of their pockets when they enter businesses, let alone the masks that children as young as 2 are forced to wear in schools and day care centers. Here's what it could mean for all of us. While it controlled for other policies that have been used to try to mitigate new infections from the coronavirus including bar closures, stay-at-home orders and bans on gatherings of 10 or more people it did not account for some others, such as physical distancing recommendations and other types of business closures. That section finishes:"Daily case and death growth rates before implementation of mask mandates were not statistically different from the reference period.". The county in the spotlight right now is Los Angeles County, where cases have spiked over the past few weeks with more than 2,700 new COVID infections per day, which is a 180% increase since Nov. 1. | A relationship between policies and the outbreaks severity has become more clear as the pandemic has progressed. We show supporting evidence for reducing the spread of COVID-19 through mask wearing. The masks in Germany obviously didnt beat Covid. From the start of the pandemic through this spring, the cumulative rate of Covid mortality has been slightly higher in Sweden than in Germany (by about 15 percent), but the rate of overall excess mortality has been slightly higher in Germany (by about 8 percent). States and D.C. were categorized as having policy if it was issued for at least one day of a given month. The CDC received some criticism for its junk science on masks, particularly for its false claims about the benefits of masking schoolchildren, but the press mostly promoted the agencys narrative. Nationwide, according to theNew York Times database, the seven-day average of daily new cases rose sharply from mid-December to January 17 and has fallen just as sharply since then, which is consistent with the experience in other countries after omicron emerged. Data released by the agency in November looking at COVID-19 incidence in Kansas after a statewide mask mandate also found the measure resulted in a drop in infectious cases. Jocelyn Solis-Moreira is a journalist specializing in health and science news. "The states with mask mandates haven't fared significantly better than the 35 states that didn't impose them during the omicron wave. We all want to be able to be with friends and family this spring and summer, and we all dont want to have [to] go back to the more stringent mitigation measures, so gathering outside and wearing masks is the best way to allow both to happen.. Brooks JT & Butler JC. The study also found a statistically significant increase in the rate of COVID-19 infections and deaths starting 40 days after indoor or outdoor dining at restaurants was allowed. For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click Formal analysis, Indeed, associations between mask policy, adherence and other factors may be obscured in states with many high density and low density areas. The CDC's report is the latestin a growing body of evidence establishing mask mandates as an effective strategy in curbing the virus. How Are States Responding to CDC Mask Guidelines? But as Miller shows in his book, the policies made no discernible difference. 3.1.2023 8:00 AM, 2022 Reason Foundation | If this is true, we would expect associations between mask adherence and high COVID-19 rates to be even stronger. broad scope, and wide readership a perfect fit for your research every time. We did estimate odds ratios for mask adherence within subgroups of states with and without mask policy. The mandate will still require masks where . States with stronger policy responses over the long run are seeing comparatively smaller outbreaks. Mean COVID-19 rates for states with at least 75% mask adherence in the preceding month was 109.26 per 100,000 compared to 249.99 per 100,000 for those with less adherence. Rhode Island, where I live, has had a mask mandate since mid-December; nonetheless, we saw our January surge rise far higher than any other state. The surgical masks didnt stop a subsequent surge throughout the country, and infection rates in Bavaria and Berlin were the same as in German states without the N95 requirement. Covering up may give the maskaholics a false sense of securitybut they could breathe more easily if theyd just face the facts. When cases first peaked in the United States in the spring, there was no clear correlation between containment strategies and case counts, because most states enacted similar lockdown policies at the same time. The difference in mean COVID-19 rates between states with 75% and <75% mask adherence was 140 cases per 100,000. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); NEXT: The FBI Seized Almost $1 Million From This Familyand Never Charged Them With a Crime. The claim that a CDC study found face masks to have a negligible effect on the spread of COVID-19 is FALSE. Their cumulative rates of Covid mortality were virtually identical, too (in fact, there were slightly more deaths per capita in the states with mask mandates). While the downtrend could also have been a result of other countermeasures like social distancing, Kansas' findings mirror observations from other states and countries. Methodology, But the "reference period" is defined by the report as the 20 days before mask mandates started. Across the country, indoor mask requirements in blue states are falling like dominoes as COVID cases drop. Higher mask use (rather than mandates per se) has been argued to decrease COVID-19 growth rates. Since July 27, 2020, individuals had been required to wear a mask or face covering in the state when visiting public indoor spaces and when unable to maintain a 6-foot distance from. Yes Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, United States of America, Roles For all 50 states and the District of Columbia (DC), these data were abstracted by month for April September 2020 to measure their impact on COVID-19 rates in the subsequent month (May October 2020). We observed some benefit of mask policy on COVID-19 rates, but the findings were unstable. But then Fauci, like the CDC and the WHO, bowed to political expediency and media hysteria. Meantime, the medias favorite experts kept predicting doom for states that never mandated masks, like Florida, or that ended the mandates early in 2021, like Iowa, whose policy shift was denounced as reckless and delusional in a Washington Post article headlined, Welcome to Iowa, a state that doesnt care if you live or die. Iowas Covid death toll plummeted right after the article appeared. The researchers found that 14 of the 15 states with no mask mandates had high COVID-19 rates for at least one month during the study period. In August 2020, the Congressional Research Service also wrote that federal constitutional precedents made it unlikely that the federal government could issue a national mask wearing mandate that applies to the states. Effectiveness of Mask Wearing to Control Community Spread of SARS-CoV-2. The United States, as of Friday, posted a seven-day moving average of 62,555 new COVID-19 cases reported daily, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.The last time . Experts interviewed by USA TODAY said the One America News Network had "misinterpreted" or "mischaracterized" the findings of the CDC study. Several cities and large counties, including Miami-Dade, Palm Beach and Hillsborough (which includes Tampa), had mask requirements, but Gov. While mandates required shoppers to don masks before entering supermarkets, for example, the risk of transmission in such settings is low, given the amount of time customers usually spend in them, the size of the air space, and typically wide distances between patrons. May 16, 2021 / 7:07 AM / CBS News. It also examined the link between allowing on-site restaurant dining and the number of coronavirus cases and deaths. Masks prevent you from inhaling or exhaling viral droplets that can linger in the air. When Can I Visit a Friend's House After I'm Fully Vaccinated? I just dont know based on reading the OAN summary how they came to the same conclusions because the CDC conclusions were favorable.. Models were unadjusted, adjusted for no mask policy (Model 1), and adjusted for no mask policy in previous month, no stay-home order, >15% population non-Hispanic Black, >15% population Hispanic, median age >40 years, population density > 200/square mile (Model 2). CNBC called the nations early Covid response a master class in science communication, and last fall it was praised for tightening its mask mandate in an Atlantic article, Four Measures That Are Helping Germany Beat Covid. Its stricter mandate early last year banished cloth masks, requiring surgical masks instead, and the states of Berlin and Bavaria went still further, requiring masks of N95 quality. Germanys stringent policies have made it a consistent media darling. When the state faced a surge of cases over the summer, the governor closed bars and placed limits on restaurant capacity. Investigation, A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found a link between face mask mandates and a reduction in COVID-19 cases and deaths, but at least one widely shared report wrongly interprets that data. A couple weeks into those lockdowns, countries with new restrictions may be seeing results: The rate of new daily cases has begun to level off or drop in France, Spain, Germany and Italy, though it continues to rise in the United Kingdom. The claim that a CDC study found face masks to have a negligible effect on the spread of COVID-19 is FALSE. We used state-level data on mask wearing policy for the general public and on proportion of residents who stated they always wear masks in public. The findings were published in the journal PLOS One in April. It is worth noting that no states achieved this level of mask adherence in September, which might account in part for the spike in COVID-19 rates in October. We thank Drs. Funding: The authors received no specific funding for this work. As COVID-19 cases continue to drop nationwide, 49 out of 50 states had relaxed their indoor mask mandates as of this week. Prior to adopting mask mandates, those municipalities that eventually adopted mandates had higher transmission rates than the rest of the state, with the mean case rate difference per 100,000 people increasing by 0.32 cases per day (slope of difference = 0.32; 95% CI 0.13 to 0.51). Thus, adherence to mask wearing in public remains a challenge for mitigating the spread of COVID-19. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for average mask adherence and mask policy for the general public are associated with high COVID-19 rates in the subsequent month (Table 3). Mask wearing has been advocated by public health officials as a way to reduce the spread of COVID-19 [35]. For each month, the distributions of mask adherence across all 50 states and D.C. were categorized into quartiles, meaning the cut-off values for each quartile may be different from one month to another. North Dakota, for example, made few efforts to contain the virus. The Kentucky senator presses on with his fight against the federal governments Covid response. Laboratory studies indicate that masks, especially N95 respirators, can help reduce virus transmission. Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. Over the course of the pandemic, both Iowa and Florida have done better than the national average in measures of Covid mortality as well as overall excess mortality (the number of deaths more than normal from all causes). Currently, patients, visitors and staff members at UCHealth are required to wear a mask at all times. Though many have taken fresh steps to contain the virus since then, the Times analysis compares cases and hospitalizations for a given date to a states index score from two weeks before, since researchers say it is reasonable to expect a lag between a policy's implementation and its outcome. Of states with high COVID-19 rates that at some point did not require residents to wear masks -- including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire,. [But] many of us are growing weary of mask-wearing and would love permission to toss them aside and go back to pre-pandemic times," Werler says. Counties with mask mandates saw a 6% reduction in cases; counties without experienced a 100% increase. Data on population distributions from the COVID-19 US State Policy Database [13] came from the US Census. The current surge is worst in places with few containment measures. Mask adherence was classified as low if in the lowest quartile and as high if in the highest quartile. Even Greenpeace now admits the obvious: recycling doesnt work. Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Many states in the Upper Midwest and Mountain West resisted more stringent control measures, like limits on gatherings and mask mandates. If you've seen pictures of those kids, you know they are not necessarily using masks as intended. Gavin Newsom ordered the nation's first statewide shutdown because of the coronavirus, masks remain mandated, indoor dining and other activities are significantly limited, and Disneyland remains closed. Data curation, In contrast, just one state in July, August, and September and three in October in the high quartile had high COVID-19 rates in the subsequent month. Again and again, journalists and public-health officials would single out a state or a nation that had supposedly tamed Covid by forcing citizens to wear masksand then these masks would promptly fail to prevent an unprecedented wave of infections. Click through the PLOS taxonomy to find articles in your field. | Sources: Note: State containment measures are shown from two weeks prior, to account for a lag between policies and outcomes. Instead of carefully analyzing the effects of masks, the CDC repeatedly tried to justify them by misrepresenting short-term trends and hyping badly flawed research, like studies in Arizona and Kansas purporting to show that infections had been dramatically reduced by the mask mandates imposed in some counties. Meanwhile, the eight states that reported 75% or more mask adherence between June 2020 and September 2020 did not have high COVID-19 rates. Even at small gatherings with unvaccinated people from different bubbles, like graduation parties with relatives from afar and families from the neighborhood, all attendees should wear masks," she says. Fully vaccinated adults are still wearing masks on their solitary walks outdoors, and officials have beenenforcing mask mandates on airline passengers and on some city-dwellers and students. In the first 20 days after implementingmask mandates, new cases slowed by 0.5 percentage points. Nor did it look at actual mask wearing, as opposed to legal requirements. Coronavirus cases are rising in almost every U.S. state. Doug Burgum reopened the state nearly fully in May. Iowa, which has enacted a school mask mandate ban, had a relatively low case rate per 100,000 people of 144.7. We categorized the existence of a mask policy as None if there was no requirement for face coverings in public spaces, Recommended if required in all public spaces without consequences, and Strict if required in all public spaces with consequences in the form of fine(s) or citation(s). Individuals mask wearing behaviors are not only influenced by recommendations and mandates issued by state leaders, but also by print, televised, and social media [9]. New infections have stayed among the lowest in the country, adjusted for population though cases now are rising in New York as they are everywhere. No, Is the Subject Area "Health care policy" applicable to this article? On November 8, Utah implemented a mask mandate, as new daily Covid-19 cases continue to rise in the state and across the country. Coronavirus: How R-0 can be used to fight COVID-19. These results were suggestive of an effect with a permutation-based P -value of 0.094. We combined the Recommended and Strict groups into Any policy. Wearing masks is a CDC-recommended* approach to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), by reducing the spread of respiratory droplets into the air when a person coughs, sneezes, or talks and by reducing the inhalation of these droplets by the wearer. The study used county-level data from March 1 through Dec. 31 of last year, comparing data from before mandates tookeffect to the time period when they were in place. Indeed all 13 states in the low mask adherence group in September had high COVID-19 rates in October. The graph tracks the results of a natural experiment that occurred nationwide during the pandemic. More could be on the way. If Florida's case numbers understate the true number of infections more than California's do, that could partially explain the difference in COVID-19 deaths per capita. Further, our adjustment for demographic factors at the state population level may not represent the true underlying forces that put individuals at greater risk of contracting COVID-19. This protective effect of mask wearing was evident across four months of the pandemic, even after adjusting the associations for mask policy, distance policy, and demographic factors. 'S report is the Subject Area `` Pandemics '' applicable to this article days before mandates... Slower state-level COVID-19 spread states '' applicable to this article, as opposed to legal requirements prevent from. [ 13 ] came from the COVID-19 rates in October, collinearity caused the ratio. The spread of COVID-19 epidemiology [ 9,12 ] has further complicated policy-making, messaging and. Vaccines are effective at combating COVID-19 spread worst in places with low mask.... Can help reduce virus transmission spread the study, saying the results were statistically significant will continue and deaths /! 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