You can unsubscribe at any time. The Gizenga regime was crushed in early 1962. From dark days to moments of hope, David Reynolds traces the Cold War from 1961 to 1991. France, too, prevaricated. The article is particularly useful in understanding the history of Communist parties and movements throughout Africa. There are also political reasons that parts of this history have been airbrushed from mainstream retellings of the Cold War not just in the West but also in Russia, which sought to downplay Cubas role compared to that of the USSR, and even Angola, where former adversaries of the MPLA mainly the USA and China have become the most important trading partners, as Christabelle Peters points out. Their main aim was not socialist revolution, but to be free of military aggression from South Africa and see independence with majority rule throughout the continent. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. This is an excellent treatment of the origins and development of communism or socialism on the African continent. As the Second World War's uneasy alliances unravelled, a new world emerged: of east vs west and of global conflicts as the superpowers vied for influence. "Revisiting the Soviet Moment in Sub-Saharan Africa". [24], The 1974 coup installed the Derg, a Communist military junta under General Mengistu Haile Mariam. Welcomed by President John F Kennedy in 1963, Mobutu was Americas man. AfricaSoviet Union relations covers the diplomatic, political, military, and cultural relationships between the Soviet Union and Africa from the 1945 to 1991. In Angola a war of succession followed, with three rival nationalist parties fighting for power. The level of ideological commitment or interest in socialist doctrine varied among all the different governments and movements which received Soviet military aid. South Africa considered the Soviet Union an enemy because it financially and militarily supported communism on the African continent. The Eastern Bloc, also known as the Communist Bloc, the Socialist Bloc, and the Soviet Bloc, was the group of socialist states of Central and Eastern Europe, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America under the influence of the Soviet Union that existed during the Cold War (1947-1991). Drew, Allison. He was responding to events in the Congo (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC) in 1960 following the withdrawal of the Belgians, who had enriched themselves on their colonys mineral resources and neglected the welfare of their subjects: on independence day, 30 June 1960, the Congo had perhaps just 200 African graduates. This sparked the Cuban missile crisis (1962), a confrontation that brought the two superpowers to the brink of war before an agreement was reached to withdraw the missiles. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1964. He was just 11 when he and his sister left Angola. Angola During the Cold War: Background . Edited by Stephen A. Smith. This book critically examines the relationship of the post-independence African state, popular classes, and development. Explore technological innovations of the Cold War, How the Cold War helped foster antibiotic resistance. Liberation movements across southern Africa were sustained by the Soviet Union and Cuba, which sent large contingents of troops to support independence fighters. At this point, the United States was in a quandary. In the mid-1950s, two developments signaled the arrival of the Cold War in North Africa: the Algerian War of independence against France began in November 1954; and Egypt adopted an independent foreign policy, challenging British influence in the Middle East, helping the Algerian rebels, and buying weapons from the Soviet bloc. US and Soviet intelligence agencies played kingmakers, financing and overseeing coups to install biddable rulers. Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba threatened the nationalisation of foreign businesses, and looked to the Soviet Union for assistance. America did likewise. Welcome to Foreign Policy 's China Brief. Washington feared that the metropoles intransigence would open the door to Soviet meddling. Others were appalled by everyday racism: one was asked by Russians whether Africans lived in houses. ", Gary D. Payton, "The Soviet-Ethiopian Liaison: Airlift and Beyond. SUPPORT FROM WEST Until the death of Stalin in 1953, the Soviet Union showed very little interest in Africa. The South African government's stand found support in the Portuguese colonial regimes of Angola and Mozambique, which hung on until 1975, and the white government of Ian Smith in Rhodesia (modern Zimbabwe), which only yielded to majority rule in 1980.All these regimes equated political opposition with a desire to overthrow capitalism and nationalise the private sector. The following year, when Vice-President Richard Nixon returned from an African tour he reported that French patronage and influence in north Africa are decreasing at an alarming rate. Soon after, Mixinge became one of the tens of thousands of Africans to travel to Cuba for schooling. In 1945, Africa was controlled by the friends and clients of the United StatesBritain, France, Portugal, Belgium, and Spain. This meant, at least from the public pronouncement of leaders, their commitment to egalitarianism. He emphasised that these links placed a burden of debt upon Cubans that they were duty-bound to repay., young members of guerrilla movements such as, Jean Luc Godard went to Maputo at the request of FRELIMO during this time as well. The Cold War had solidified by 194748, when U.S. aid provided under the Marshall Plan to western Europe had brought those countries under American influence and the Soviets had installed openly communist regimes in eastern Europe. Why was the Cuban missile crisis such an important event in the Cold War? Thus, the superpowers were very much responsible for the emergence of communist orientations in some African nationalist movements. In 1947 self-government was granted to India by Britains Labour government, which was also committed (as were the Conservatives) to self-determination for African colonies. Elsewhere, this spilled over into anger. In Kenyas villages, for example, young demobbed soldiers expressed their new confidence by scoffing at their chiefs and tribal elders. But the significance of this in domestic politics was only felt after the Second World War. The link was not copied. Your country's customs office can offer more details, or . The Cold War Fear of Communism South Africa, along with Egypt, were the first two countries on the continent to give rise to Communist parties - both in the 1920s. Updates? A closer reading of the objects on display, however, reveals a nuanced and conflicted history, the impact of which is still palpable today. In 1960, France granted independence to most of its colonies in sub-Saharan Africa, and the British and the Belgians followed suit. Such leaders had come to power at the head of disciplined parties, practised the arts of messianic leadership, and fostered popular optimism. Henceforth, the backdrop of decolonization was the Cold War. The Kremlin promptly sent military advisors and munitions. In 1977 the Soviets attempted to unseat Neto, whom they now distrusted. On the other hand, both ideology and realpolitik led the Soviet Union to support those who fought for independence. After South Africa became a republic in 1961 and was expelled from the Commonwealth of Nations, relations were very cold. They skewed the complex processes of decolonisation, and snuffed out many of the fledgling democracies that emerged in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Drew provides an excellent account of the development of both the Algerian and South African Communist parties over time. Throughout the ferocious Algerian War of Independence in the 1950s, Moscow provided military, technical and material assistance to the FLN, and trained hundreds of its military leaders in the USSR. But for many leaders, it made more sense to evolve an A large number of foreign countries at least 36 according to Edward George intervened in a significant way in Angolas civil war, which did not end until 2002. Between the two world wars, some Africans lived and work in Europe, and this experience produced many of the leaders and intelligentsia who would return to Africa with ideas about how to change their own societies and end colonial rule. same time he systematically stripped his country of its wealth and resources. MI5 monitored nationalist movements, and trembled whenever it believed these movements might be penetrated by Soviet agents. Anti-Communism informed almost every aspect of the South African government's foreign policy and much of its domestic policy. Substantial and decisive support came from Fidel Castro as part of what he saw as Cubas mission to engage in the global conflict between privileged and underprivileged, humanity against imperialism. [7], Stalin thought in terms of a black and white world of class conflict, capitalists versus the proletariat. This hostility between the two superpowers was first given its name by George Orwell in an article published in 1945. termed the "Cold War" but is, in reality, a war in which, in Africa, much heat is engendered. From the 1960s, cinema was one of the most important aspects of the alliances between Cuba, the USSR and African liberation movements. United States participation in the Southeast Asia War resulted from the policy of "containment," which aimed to prevent communism from expanding beyond its early Cold War borders. The Soviet Union withdrew its Ambassador after the Sharpeville massacre in 1960. ", Guy de Carmoy, "France, Algeria, and the Soviet Penetration in the Mediterranean. Most incidents came during the Cold War, when the US and the Soviet Union battled for influence across the continent. Fidel Castro referred to the ties of blood and history that linked the two nations a large percentage of the enslaved Africans brought to the island to work on coffee and sugar plantations hailed from Angola. Maxim Matusevich, "Revisiting the Soviet Moment in Sub-Saharan Africa" History Compass. [28], President John F. Kennedy eagerly sought to establish good relations with newly independent African nations in the wake of Krushchev's 1961 speech that proclaimed the USSR's intention to intervene in anticolonial struggles around the world. In these colonies, jailing, torturing, and killing Africans was routine, but not on a large scale, except in Madagascar (19471948) and Kenya (19521956), where there were major revolts; neither received outside assistance. Another intense stage of the Cold War was in 195862. They had tried to achieve their goals of majority rule through peaceful means and failed. Mengistu urgently needed help. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was hostile to Tour, so the African nation quickly turned to the Soviet Unionmaking it the Kremlin's first success story in Africa. Both of these regional conflicts continued into the 1980s. In 1962 the Soviet Union began to secretly install missiles in Cuba to launch attacks on U.S. cities. From 1960, the Soviet Union became involved in several Marxist, African struggles, providing political support, weapons and military training, including to the People's Movement for the Liberation. Its founder Vladimir Lenin did argue in his famous book Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism that imperialism was inherently caused by capitalism, and the inaugural session of the Comintern in 1919 included a declaration of solidarity for "the colonial slaves of Africa and Asia." Key words: Africa, Cold War, colonialism, USA, USSR, foreign policy, poli tics Please subscribe or login. This resulted in the widespread popularity of the ideas of Pan-Africanists from America, Europe, and the Caribbean, such as George Padmore and W.E.B. Dubois and the proponents of the concept of Ngritude as espoused by Leopold Senghor of Senegal and Aim Csaire of Martinique. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. The money secured the loyalty of Colonel Joseph-Dsir Mobutu (who later renamed himself Mobutu Sese Seko), a ruthless, ambitious and venal chancer whom the CIA believed to be childish and easily led. Millions died in these proxy wars throughout Africa; food production and distribution were disrupted, and regional famines followed. Fidel Castro sent 300,000 Cuban troops to Africa to support fellow revolutionaries against Western imperialism. Before the Cold War only one country had and dropped a nuclear bomb, but that would not be the case during the Cold War. Havana provided military and civilian assistance. Nato also armed two colonial powers, France and Portugal, in their struggles against nationalist insurgents in Algeria, Angola and Mozambique. It did not matter to the superpowers whether or not these dictators had any ideological commitment to communism or capitalist democracy, though many paid lip service to one of these ideologies when convenient. Thus, the Soviet Union sent troops to preserve communist rule in East Germany (1953), Hungary (1956), Czechoslovakia (1968), and Afghanistan (1979). Both superpowers had been wooing Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser first the US, which offered then withdrew financial support for the construction of an Aswan dam, then the Soviet Union, which sold Egypt large quantities of arms. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. From 1960 to 1964, De Beers had a unique arrangement to sell Soviet diamonds from Siberia. Available online by subscription. Moscows doctrinal purists had dismissed Nasser as a radical nationalist in the mould of those military strongmen who held sway across South America. Saivetz, Carol R., and Sylvia Woodby, eds. South African white politicians routinely denounced the ANC as a devious communist plot to overthrow the government. Cold War priorities dictated events in southern Africa, too. ", Larry C. Napper, "The Arab Autumn of 1984: A Case Study of Soviet Middle East Diplomacy. (The analysis of the first wave had taken place fifteen years prior to the publication of this book in the early post-independence period.) In the late 1970s, Cold War confrontations really flared in southern Africa, but also picked up steam in the Americas. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The Kremlin developed four major long-term policy goals: At no time was Moscow willing to engage in combat in Africa, although its ally Cuba did so. India. Algeria became a leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, and largely targeted its rhetoric towards the United States, rather than France. The Cold War had solidified by 1947-48, when U.S. aid provided under the Marshall Plan to western Europe had brought those countries under American influence and the Soviets had installed openly communist regimes in eastern Europe. The Cold War can be seen as the period, from 1945 to 1991, of intense struggle for ideological supremacy between capitalist forces led by the USA and the forces of communism spearheaded by the USSR. Somalia appeared to be on the brink of victory after gaining control of 90% of the area. The level of ideological commitment or interest in socialist doctrine varied among all the different governments and movements which received Soviet military aid. Castros commitment to Angola was integral to a strategy that would extend the struggle for independence to neighbouring South West Africa (later Namibia) and Rhodesia (today, Zimbabwe). this page. USSR retreat from Afghanistan and stop funding communist militias in Africa. The Nixon administration was working behind the scenes with Sadat to bolster his plans to send the Russians home, which they did in July 1972. NATO has renewed itself and re-united The struggle between superpowers The Cold War reached its peak in 1948-53. This period also coincided with the time of the Cold War . France persuaded a sceptical Washington that it was fighting communist-backed insurgents in Algeria; the result was that Sikorsky helicopters, manufactured in the United States and intended for Nato service, were used to hunt down Algerian guerrillas. Second it wanted to gain a voice in African affairs, primarily by supporting local communist parties, and providing economic and military aid to the governments. There was alarm in Washington, where CIA director Allen Dulles suspected that Lumumba was a Castro or worse, and the CIA moved in, supplied with dollars and a hitman instructed to assassinate Lumumba with poisoned toothpaste. In the late 1950s, both the United States and the Soviet Union were developing intercontinental ballistic missiles. The one-party states that replaced colonial administrations were handed the apparatus of domestic coercion. By 1969 President Julius Nyerere, a self-declared African socialist, had accepted equipment worth over US$640,000 from the US for his police force, all of whom were members of the ruling Tanganyika African National Union Party. The Cuban missile crisis showed that neither the United States nor the Soviet Union were ready to use nuclear weapons for fear of the others retaliation (and thus of mutual atomic annihilation). Nevertheless, there was very little use of weapons on battlefields during the Cold War. Among them was the future president, Hosni Mubarak, who went for training in a military pilot school in Kant Air Base, Kyrgyzstan. Joseph Stalin had a fleeting interest in claiming the former Italian colony of Tripolitania in modern-day Libya, but the NATO containment policy blocked those efforts. What is often referred to as Marxism-Leninism rejects participatory democracy in favor of a disciplined, vanguard party in which democracy is practiced only in the central leadership organs of the party. As US president Dwight D Eisenhower explained to Winston Churchill in 1954: We are falsely pictured as the exploiters of people, the Soviets as their champions. It would be foolhardy, he warned, to ignore the fierce and growing spirit of nationalism spreading across Africa and Asia. In 1991, USSR implode and the 15 republics become independent states, marking therefore the end of the cold war. the revolution in 1974. declared a Marxist Leninist state in 1974, under Mathieu Kerekou. to the Soviet National Anthem Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University was established in Moscow in 1960 to provide higher education to students from developing countries. Listen The 15 new states are: Russia Estonia Latvia Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. By entering your details, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. Africans were losers in the Cold War. South Africa, along with Egypt, were. Stevens, Christopher. The Soviet Union, too, played an important role in the development of African cinema, training some of the continents most celebrated filmmakers in Moscow, including Ousmene Sembene,Souleymane Cisse and Abderrahmane Sissako. What were practiced were hybrid forms of socialism, including some that eclectically borrowed from Marxist-Leninist and Maoist theory. Moscow said it proved that a backward society could become revolutionary by adopting a Leninist system. * Somalia * Orwell understood it as a nuclear stalemate between super-states: each possessed weapons of mass destruction and was capable of annihilating the other. That change was, they suggested, to be achieved over 40 or so years; impatient African nationalist politicians accused them of procrastination. There was a sense of freedom, of liberation, as palpable in the streets as in the Mozambicans we met, remembers anthropologist Nadine Wanono, then a student of French cultural ethnographer, Jean Rouch, with whom she travelled to Mozambique in 1978, to teach Super 8 film techniques to FRELIMOs post-independence government. Historically, communism on the continent was strongest in Egypt, Sudan, Algeria, and South Africa, which had significant European settlement, but such ideas remained foreign to the African masses until the principles of Marxism-Leninism became popular among intellectuals around the time of World War I (Drew 2014). Angola is a country in southwest Africa. Paris sold Algeria French warplanes in 1968, looking to counterbalance the Soviet influence. Afro-Marxist Regimes: Ideology and Public Policy. Chiswick Auctions will sell the collection of a former British journalist and presumed diplomat who gained access to some of the world's most secretive countries during the Cold War era.. From the 1950s to the 1980s, John Newell spent time in North Korea, China, East Germany, Russia, Tibet, Zanzibar, Alaska, and Panama for both work and leisure at a time when many of these areas were largely . Gabriel Garcia Marquez later wrote: In that fleeting, anonymous passage through Africa, Che Guevara was to sow a seed that no one will destroy.. Meanwhile, Japan and certain Western countries were becoming more economically independent. At the same time, the United States imposed a ban on all trade with Cuba. One Kremlin official, Anatoly Adamishin, spoke for many others when he asked: Why, with all our problems, did we have to get involved [in Africa]? We could not afford it. Angola alone owed the Soviet Union US$5bn, which it could not repay. Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. Some were destined for Rhodesia, where the white minority were defending themselves against nationalist partisans, some of whom enjoyed Soviet patronage. [16], Facing enormous turmoil in the newly independent Republic of the Congo (Lopoldville), Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, the charismatic leader of the Mouvement National Congolais, reacted by calling for assistance from the Soviet Union. By 1965, Cuba became a fully communist country and developed close ties to the Soviet Union. President Kasa-Vubu used his command of the army to launch a coup d'tat, expelling the Soviet advisors and establishing a new government under his own control. In February 1989, Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs Eduard Shevardnadze visited Egypt. The onset of the Cold War added a sense of urgency. Rather than being seen as a form of communism, African socialism was viewed as a pragmatic ideology that blended some aspects of classical socialism, communism, Pan-Africanism, and African traditional values. During this trip he famously, The Soviet Union, too, played an important role in the development of African cinema, training. However, at least up to this moment in history, nowhere in Africa have there been political and economic systems based solely on communist principles, nor has there ever been a strictly working-class revolution. . The Cold War, however, also pushed US policymakers in the opposite direction. 1950s / Cold War. Weaver, Harold. It was there, at School No 50, that I saw Sarah Moldorors film Sambizanga for the first time.The film is set in 1961 and depicts the anti-colonial struggle of the MPLA forces during the Angolan War of Independence. Red Africa: From a generation of cinematographers to the end of apartheid Africa, Cuba and the Soviet Union. The so-called "Casablanca" group (Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Egypt, and Morocco) call themselves "neutralists," but one at least among themGuineahas sought and received bigger and better aid from the East than from the West. Some students were shocked by conditions in Moscow, which was summed up by one African visitor as having no cars, no cafes, no good clothes or good food. By 1948 Soviet-sponsored and -directed communists had consolidated their control of the governments of eastern and central Europe and suppressed all noncommunist political activity. Get 6 issues for 19.99 and receive a 10 gift card* PLUS free access to, Save 70% on the shop price when you subscribe today - Get 13 issues for just $49.99 + FREE access to, Snuffed out democracies and poisoned toothpaste: how the Cold War wreaked havoc in post-colonial Africa, Cold War conflicts played havoc with African politics and snuffed out many fledgling democracies, The CIA brought dollars - and a hitman with poisoned toothpaste. The United States was sympathetic, in principle, to the gradual progression of colonized people toward independence. The emergence of nationalist movements on the continent coincided with the beginning of the Cold War, and the ideological and strategic competition involving the United States and the Soviet Union and China for client states in Africa. ", Piero Gleijeses, "Cuba's first venture in Africa: Algeria, 19611965. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. The conflict showed that both superpowers were wary of using their nuclear weapons against each other for fear of mutual atomic annihilation. China has lashed out at a new U_S_ House committee dedicated to countering Beijing, demanding its members discard their ideological bias and zero-sum Cold War mentality., Russias reintegration into the world of sports one year after the invasion of Ukraine began threatens to create the biggest rift in the Olympic movement since the Cold War, Arne Treholt, the former Norwegian Foreign Ministry official who was convicted of spying for the Soviet Union in what became Norways biggest Cold War espionage scandal has died in his Moscow home, When a giant Chinese balloon made an uninvited visit to the United States, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin turned to a hotline system set up with Beijing to defuse the situation. Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights. ", Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University, Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic, Movimento Popular de Libertacao de Angola (MPLA), "Mubarak set for talks at Kremlin on nuclear and arms trade", William E. Farrell, "Envoy of Moscow Expelled by Egypt". Seducing the elected rulers of newly independent states proved the most effective policy for both the United States and the Soviet Union. For more information or to contact an Oxford Sales Representative click here. Since most nations in Europe, Latin America, and Asia had already chosen sides, Kennedy and Krushchev both looked to Africa as the next Cold War battleground. The Soviet Union, too, hoped to fill that power vacuum, posing as the patron and armourer of colonial liberation movements. Therefore, US policy on decolonization often clashed with its rhetoric. Angolas civil war, which did not end until 2002. LGBTI Minorities and Queer Politics in Eastern and Souther Maasai and Maa-Speaking Peoples of East Africa, The, Modern African Literature in European Languages, Northeastern African States, c. 1000 BCE-1800 CE, Political Science and the Study of Africa, Postcolonial Sub-Saharan African Politics, Religion and Politics in Contemporary Africa, Social and Cultural Anthropology and the Study of Africa, States of the Zimbabwe Plateau and Zambezi Valley, Swahili City-States of the East African Coast. In 1954 the Algerian Front de Libration Nationale (National Liberation Front) began an uprising that triggered an eight-year partisan war of attrition in which more than a million died, most of them Arabs. In this period the Soviets unsuccessfully blockaded the Western-held sectors of West Berlin (194849); the United States and its European allies formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a unified military command to resist the Soviet presence in Europe (1949); the Soviets exploded their first atomic warhead (1949), thus ending the American monopoly on the atomic bomb; the Chinese communists came to power in mainland China (1949); and the Soviet-supported communist government of North Korea invaded U.S.-supported South Korea in 1950, setting off an indecisive Korean War that lasted until 1953. Most socialist systems today are participatory democracies. [32], Despite the widely reported Soviet support for the ANC and otherwise liberation movements, the Soviet Union also engaged in some trade with South Africa during the apartheid era, mostly involving arms and some mineral resources. Abboud declared himself an enemy of communism and of the Soviet-supported Nasser. At times, however, realpolitik acted as a brake. For its part the Soviet Union was happy to give military support to the governments of Angola and Mozambique and to the ANC. Instead the Kremlin provided Gizenga with financial aid, and urged its allies to run the blockade and assist Gizenga while avoiding a direct conflict with the West on the issue. Centre for public Liberties & Human Rights owed the Soviet Union to support fellow revolutionaries against Western imperialism or... China Brief to overthrow the government appeared to be achieved over 40 or so years ; impatient African movements. Revolutionary by adopting a Leninist system it would be foolhardy, he warned, to ignore the and., training, Angola and Mozambique and to the appropriate style manual or other sources you... Held sway across South America Belgium, and Sylvia Woodby, eds China Brief articles Britannica. A Case Study of Soviet Middle East Diplomacy key words: Africa, but also picked steam! 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