[ix]Wendy Doniger OFlaherty, History of Religions Vol. Just two years later, in 1954, the working committee disbanded, the formal organization commenced work, and the official name was changed to Organisation Europenn pour la Recherche Nuclaire(European Organization for Nuclear Research). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. But its powering back up on July 5th and theyre dialing up the power to a level never before tested. Get the best news straight to your inbox! Started with the internet ends with quantum computers and the particle collider opening a pit to hell. [CDATA[*/ var d = new Date(); var n = d.getFullYear(); document.getElementById('getYear').innerHTML = n; /*]]>*/ Christian Evidence. "If . [iv] Whether the scientists responsible for the name believe it or not, wormhole portals are studied very seriously. 666 pic.twitter.com/LFR29iDs8c. The European Organization for Nuclear Research (Cern) has launched an investigation into a video filmed at night on its Geneva campus depicting a mock ritual human sacrifice, a spokeswoman said on Wednesday. Therefore, no breach of privacy or copyright has been committed.-FAIR USE STATEMENTThis video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. UPDATE: 2:50PM. And this spiritual prison is meant for beings that have neither a soul neither a body. Better question, what would you have had to have seen to make you convinced it was Satanic? Apply yourself to present yourself in front of Christ has men (and women) made in faith. Isaiah 48:13 "Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together." That is an heresy because it is a doctrine of demons. There is no reference to the pandemic or the novel coronavirus. Furthermore, according to David Rohl, the original name for Ninurta was in fact Nimurda, whose historical identity can be traced back to King Enmerkar of Uruk, the very same figure who is known in the Bible as Nimrod.[xii]. Possible Massive Changes To US Dollar. They don't rule there. Everything is fine. You have a giant black Death Personified figure walking around a room full of hospital beds! Knowledge sharing 01 December, 2022 Outreach award for initiative to teach high-school physics with CERN detectors in Spain 25 November, 2022 Next Tech4Eva Opening Ceremony, March 14, 2023 14 March, 2023 85 views (not distinct) Nimrod was becoming a Gibbowr (mighty one), which is most often used when referring to giants. The Jura Mountains loom over the CERN campus like ancient judges who oversee the construction and implementation of the new Babylon Portal. Through the opening ceremony of the world's deepest and longest tunnel, the occult elite tells the world that they control the world's resources and manpower. So please let everyone you know about us! She represents the enforcement of secular law and is, according to the Sibyls conjure, the authority that will require global compliance to the zenith of Satans dominion concurrent with the coming of Apollo. Guess who this is. This next video claims to decode the creepy 2012 Opening Ceremonies. pic.twitter.com/V2QJYVEteD, Paul Stewart (@1ightbring3r) October 3, 2022. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Then it jumps ahead in the performance to show a moment of the monsters entering the scene among the beds. Here's the answer: CERN is an abbreviated title for the ancient god worshipped by the Celts: Cernnunos. So I depend on this website for bringing in revenue to keep the site going and also to live. The one whose been hiding in plain sight, Macron cant be THE ANTIChrist he can only be an anti Christ that title belongs solely to the papacy persecuting Christians for 1260 literal years sitting on 7 hills and Daniel 7:25 macron is as an altar boy to the Vatican control. The Large Hadron Collider, CERN. The Maenads danced and drank themselves into an ecstatic frenzy, usually dressing in fawn skins (something the followers of Cernunnos also do), carrying a long stick or staff adorned with a pine cone (symbol of the pineal gland, itself considered a doorway into another realm). Semele is yet another moon goddess, and she fits the Semiramis/Isis/Danu/Diana model. CERN is an official United Nations Observer. Of course they have their own explanation for what all these creepy images mean. Go over there and add in the comments WeLoveTrump brought me here!. Its wild but its TRUEand thats what makes it so scary. The door would be opened, and the energy levels would be measure to prove that CERN had accomplished its task, and the door would be closed. [v] https://www.sciencenatures.com/2020/10/researchers-at-large-hadron-collider.html. Actors perform in a sequence meant to represent Britains National Health Service during the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympic Games in London on July 27, 2012.The video shows the nurses putting the children to bed as a lullaby plays. Scientists working with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have discovered three subatomic particles never seen before as they work to unlock the building blocks of the universe, the European nuclear research centre CERN said on Tuesday. Nimrod most likely was a product of a profane mating of fallen angel (god) and human. CERN is literally summoning the demon. Thanks for visiting Palbulletin and please tell your friends & family about us. Nothing will happen to us that doesn't first go through the hands of God. It cannot be spoken as a word because it is an action, the very act of breathing in/out. But they want to open the door anyway. Essentially they want to destroy the whole universe to build it back up again. The Four Horses of The Apocalypse Can Be Heard Galloping In The Distance. As the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the world in the spring of 2020, odd memes and conspiracy theories spread along with it, including one related to the 2012 Summer Olympics. Statues and reliefs of her adorn thousands of government buildings and courts around the world, especially in Washington D.C., as familiar Lady Justice, blindfolded and holding scales and a sword. To add more information, another commenter shared a poster of famous people making the shh gesture. Why are people bowing down to him?. https://www.youtube.com/@MauroBiglinoOfficialChannel Sinai A Call for Climate Justice and Ceremony of Repentance. However, the term Jura also refers to the Latin word for law. This is another reflection of the ancient goddess Columbia, Athena, Maat, Themis, Dike, and all those who are Lady Justice, a deity that weighs our souls in the balance. Oh, and if this all sounds EXACTLY like the plot to Stranger Things (especially Seasons 2 and 3) then youd be 100% correct. [xi] Thomas Horn, Zenith 2016 (Crane, MO: Defender, 2013) 138. When the demon is cast out he goes back to the arid places finds seven worse then him and the condition of that person is seven times worse that at the beginning. Opening Ceremony. Eerie clouds over Geneva were caused by the particle collider at CERN opening a portal to a new dimension. (Matthew 10:33), For Christian Truthers and or Replacement Theologists A mere nutshell response, If Jesus Wasnt God Then He Deserved An Oscar, Coming chaos by those who would have the New World OrderTime to make your choice. Cern is another word for the matrix. If you want to watch the whole thing and prove Im not taking it out of context Ive got the full video for you right here. The director of CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, said, "The Large Hadron Collider at CERN could open a door to an extra dimension, and out of this door might come something, or we might send something . The term "CERN" comes from the god of the underworld CERNenos. The Mandela Effect is proof that quantum computers are effecting our world and changing it. Gianotti used the analogy of the history of light to explain the role of fundamental, open-ended scientific research: if we had focused only on the business case for bigger and brighter candles, we would never have made the transformative leap to electrical lighting. While most would expect an up-beat, celebratory ceremony, guests were rather treated to a disturbing show orchestrated by German director Volker Hesse, where a man dressed as a goat presided a strange ritual. But to understand why such a fanciful prophecy about Apollo, son of Jupiter, returning to Earth should be important to you: In ancient literature, Jupiter was the Roman replacement of Yahweh as the greatest of the godsa counter-Yahweh. His son Apollo is a replacement of Jesus, a counter-Jesus. This Apollo comes to rule the final New World Order, when Justice returns, returns old Saturns [Satans] reign. The ancient goddess Justice, who returns Satans reign (Saturnia regna, the pagan golden age), was known to the Egyptians as Maat and to the Greeks as Themis, while to the Romans she was Lustitia. Fake ritual killing filmed at Cern A human sacrifice has been staged in the grounds of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, the home of the God Particle. In other words, they are the only ones who can make such projects happen because they control politics, finance, and business. The performance, designed to celebrate Great Britains National Health Service and history of childrens literature at the same time, is certainly an unusual mashup, but nothing in it said or depicted anything about the coronavirus. This part was designed to honor and celebrate Great Britains National Health Service (a government program that provides health care at low cost), a British childrens hospital, and the nations body of childrens literature. It was not always possible. His worshippers celebrated Cernunnos birth in December during the winter solstice. There are many theories circulating on how this can open up tiny quantum black holes. The book Zenith 2016 explains the occult significance of these deities with Lady Justice: According to Virgil and the Cumaean Sibyl, whose prophecy formed the novus ordo seclorum of the Great Seal of the United States, the New World Order begins during a time of chaos when the earth and oceans are totteringa time like today. 00:00. Since that time, some of the research at CERN has entered the public lexicon and nearly become a household word. Hell is their final destination. The World Wibe Web is related to the antichrist!!! And of course they think it couldnt possibly be anything nefarious or demonic. Of course, to the Illuminati, the truly ignorant are the foolish Christians. Trees are the largest provider of oxygen in mass on the planet, even our lungs are shaped like inverted trees. The arid places is where demons roam and find no rest. It should also be mentioned that at the time of the Roman occupation of the area, the predominant inhabitants were the Celts, which takes us back to Cernunnos. We are a small company & we depend on donations to continue to operate to help in our efforts in supporting the Trump movement!! Show more. 0. pic.twitter.com/fRCkYaEGN7, StockShaman #PeakCopper AKA Greg Shafransky (@StockShaman) July 3, 2022, #CERN is firing up to the highest power level EVER on July 5th, when many Americans will be drunk celebrating the #FourthofJuly, Some say they are actively trying to open a portal like Jacobs Ladder#Geneva #Switzerland pic.twitter.com/E99SDA0flx, Jesus the Anarchist (@iam_thesonofman) July 1, 2022. A white hole is a region of space-time that cannot be entered from the outside, but from which matter and light may escape. Giant pentagram? CERNsGotthardTunnelCeremony featured Satanic Occult elements of the Freemasonic Horus Eye, a proudly roaring Baphomet/Goat Devil with worshiping subjects, a Scarlet Whore pregnant with the Antichrist, an androgenous Satan with slave workers, pic.twitter.com/WEo4aN4roX, nikola 3 (@ronin19217435) September 27, 2022, Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony. The 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony was four hours long and highlighted British history and culture. Christian Evidence was created to enable Christians to defend their faith, and to open their eyes up to the overwhelming evidence for Christianity. 5. Thinking about CERN & recent predictive programming. pic.twitter.com/DtnLOdCD3p, Rebellious_jayy (@Rebel_jayy) August 13, 2022, If you dont believe mass televised rituals have an effect on our metaphysical plane, may I remind you of the prophetic 2012 Olympics opening ceremony in London. Did you watch the the 2022 Communist China Olympics. opening tunnel illuminati ritual gotthard ceremony explained cern switzerland - satanic FREE email alerts of the most important BANNED videos in the world Get FREE email alerts of the most important BANNED videos in the world that are usually blacklisted by YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter and Vimeo. Switzerland celebrated the opening of the world's longest train tunnel, a 17-year project that cuts through the Alps and cost 11 billion to construct - but all anyone's talking about is its ridiculous opening ceremony. What does CERN have to do with it? Suffice to say for right now, its FASCINATING! I am a follower of Jesus Christ, the One who saved me, and my goal is to spread the gospel and all the evidence for Christianity! A winged baby, semi-naked dancers and a man with a bird's nest on his head: How Switzerland decided to mark opening of world's longest rail tunnel. Greater light is being revealed to us, see Mauro Biglino and Paul Wallis: And that is just fine (excellent actually for these times we are in and things to come in our lifetime). The launch . And when youre trying to summon demons, you have to do a ceremony. These are the same LOSERFARIANS WHO ARE TRYING TO MURDER 90% OF HUMANITY! They were allowed to torment themfor five months, but not to kill them, and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings someone. The school is based on lectures, exercises, and practical . It did not help that the LHC was named after the Hindu destroyer of worlds Shiva, a fact that prompted a teenage girl in India, Madhya Pradesh, to commit suicide. More from Switzerland The Satanic opening ceremony of the Gotthard tunnel. The Opening Ceremony of the World's Largest Tunnel Was a Bizarre Occult Ritual Attended by Europe's most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual. 13:00 - 16:00 (CET) Import to my calendar Tech4Eva Opening Ceremony on March 31, 2022 - Be where Disruption Happen Discover disruptive technologies for women's health from across the world and meet the 20+ selected start-ups and projects at the 2nd annual opening ceremony of Tech4Eva. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Nobody else than Jesus is the way to the Most High and only one is resurrected. hocuspocusfocus . Going through the Swiss Alps, the tunnel took 17 years to complete and is said to be a symbol of European unification in a context of rising nationalism and closing borders. This was also the. The theory says that back in 2012, a segment of the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games in London predicted the coronavirus crisis. Cern's logo is a 666 if you'll notice. But Palbulletin.com is trying to get the truth out on our social media platforms and our videos. CERN s Haddon Collider rings mirror the spirals of Saturn. Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony Explained [cern] (Switzerland) - Satanic Illuminati Ritual. Jura, in Old Norse, means beast. Dionysus, Cernunnos, and, to a degree, Osiris are all beast gods. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This mirrors everything the Satanic societies do in their rituals. Here they are performing a ritual outside with Shiva: https://twitter.com/HeirOfWitchery/status/1542650376477974528. They have tails and stings like scorpions, and their power to hurt peoplefor five months is in their tails. they show you in their satanic religious ceremony exactly what the storyline is: demonic march to destruction; orgy; halfbreed nephilim flies in; goat man appears at the end from the portal Stop associating Satan and his angels with hell. Back in the days of Noah, an attempt to open a door into the spiritual realm was made with the tower of Babel (Genesis 11). In 1935, Albert Einstein and his student, Nathan Rosen, proposed that connecting two black holes would form a tube-like gateway between two regions. KNOW THIS, that we all belong to a family tree, from the beginning of mankind of our GOD'S creation. The indoor ceremony to inaugurate the Gotthard Tunnel in Switzerland presented another extravagant performance with the same adulation of the Devil and his minions. In the occult Saturn Is the dark sun and prison planet" of the fallen angels CERN Is designed as a telepoltation machine to Saturn. They also just so-happened to add a golden statue of their god Shiva and stage (?) GET ON THE PATH OF THE IMMORTALS AND MORE FREE BOOKS IN OFFER! The Queen DiedAbout the New KingShould We Be Concerned. Imagine all the time and resources and money that went into this Satanic waste: GOTHARD TUNNEL CERNsGotthardTunnelCeremony featured Satanic Occult elements of the Freemasonic Horus Eye, a proudly roaring Baphomet/Goat Devil with worshiping subjects, a Scarlet Whore pregnant with the Antichrist an androgenous Satan with slave workers and Time Manipulation pic.twitter.com/gWr5ztNuHS, Hanneke De Groot (@HannekeDeGroot3) September 27, 2022. But as I said, it resulted in another switch - this time from math, back to engineering as I explained. This is all true. If not may I suggest you go and watch the show, there was a large demonic looking figure overlooking dancing nurses and empty hospital beds. This is when the son of promise arrives on earthApollo incarnatea pagan savior born of a new breed of men sent down from heaven when heroes and gods are blended together. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland opened in 2008, with the first beam circulated on September 10 of that year. a ritualistic sacrifice at the statue. Peter Goodgame sheds further light on the identity of this king locust: And just who is this Greek god Apollyon who makes his strange appearance in the book of Revelation? Youre probably familiar with the story about why we need such a thing. World's longest rail tunnel opens with theatrical parade - video The ceremony for the opening of the Gotthard base tunnel in Switzerland on Wednesday includes a blessing, acrobats, music. But, more to the point, if this CERNunnos Illuminati experiment succeeds, it will open the gateway to a beast. And not what Carl or Bruce expected either. It also seems fair to examine indigenous spiral petroglyphs (described elsewhere in this book) that very often feature horned humanoid figures in close proximity to a vortex. Mass media, in its vein attempts at explaining this ceremony, state that there are mountain goats in the Alps which explains the goat man. The secret mission of CERN is to unleash Apollo and the dark angels from the abyss: and to create a stainag to heaven -to make war with God almightg! CERN is attempting to reach into the heavens with the LHC, and it's believed that Saint-Genus-Poilly (CERN's town) was an area where a portal to the underworld was located. Think about it, if there is any way Satan can take power by coming in physical form he has no reason not to work on it until he accomplishes it. The world's largest tunnel, it took 17 years to complete and promises a new era of state-managed European and global connectedness. The acronym CERN is also used to refer to the laboratory, which in 2016 had 2,500 scientific, technical, and administrative staff members, and hosted about 12,000 users. A giant DEATH walking around a room full of hospital beds.. It shows nurses in vintage costumes standing among children in antique-style hospital beds that glow with light. Traversable wormholes provide a valid solution to field equations of general relativity. It's not their domain. How can you use this. In the same year, CERN generated 49 petabytes of data. It's a one way down period. Charles Penglase is an Australian professor who specializes in ancient Greek and Near Eastern religion and mythology. Why are all of the big ceremonial events always full of satanic images and in addition symbolism? The fact that CERN can open a doorway into another dimension is something that is known and expected. Even they know that! Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony Explained [cern] (Switzerland) - Satanic Illuminati Ritual by TRUTH WILL OUT 4. It looks like they disabled video embedding for that link so you will have to actually click that link to watch it. Scientists hope that increasing the energy and frequency with which protons collide in the LHCs experiments, after accelerating almost to the speed of light in a 27km underground ring, will provide evidence for new physics fundamental forces and particles that go beyond the so-called standard model, to which the Higgs boson gave a finishing touch. What is my point? I am a Protestant with no denomination because I think these days Christianity is divided and as Paul said flee sects or sectarian thinking and I do. I have warned extensively about CERN and believe that the Illuminati is celebrating the opening of the fifth dimension, one beyond space and time. As pointed out by Dr. Thomas Horn and Into the Multiverse host Josh Peck in the internationally-acclaimed books On The Path Of The Immortals (FREE IN OFFER HERE) and Abaddon Ascending, whenthe Large Hadron Collider (LHC) first started up on September 10, 2008, director for research and scientific computing at CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, provoked a whirlwind of speculation with his enigmatic remark that the LHC might open a door to another dimension. Fact check:Fake quote about right to bear arms attributed to George Washington. The Whore of Babylon Visits Mt. It says Vow of Silence and the gesture is a reminder of the Masonic obligation of silence. At the top is a quote by Freemason philosopher Manly P. Hall about reading symbolism. Join our Locals page and see our free content or subscribe for $3 a month to help us stay in operations and see bonus content @ Palbulletin.locals.com! CERN explains on its website: "LSAG [LHC Safety Assessment Group] reaffirms and extends the conclusions of the 2003 report that LHC collisions present no danger and there are no reasons for. Predictive programming. By every assessment it's Satanic. [viii] This ritual is performed on the back of a demon named Apasmara who is said to represent ignorance. CERN's Large Hadron Collider is going to be smashing atoms together at a higher energy than ever before, and many are using this high energy in the universe as an opportunity to manifest. Satanic Gotthard Ritual - CERN - Switzerland . This intertwined and sometimes antagonistic relationship is similar to that of Shiva and Kalian important point to make because it is Shivas statue that welcomes visitors to CERNs headquarters in Geneva. Is this site really dedicated to physics, or is it something else? Their symbolism will be their downfall.#Covid_19 #Symbol #emptyhospitals pic.twitter.com/Fz8HF4QAX3, jurga (@glamourover35) December 21, 2020, https://twitter.com/MoonlashZA/status/1345281030526218241, 2012 Olympics opening ceremony. The "arid places" is not hell since never come back from hell. watch hell cop the movie that how hell is i bet yall go and taylor switft there she cant call the law on no one none of the celebs can elon musk is the antichrist and bill gates the false prophet yall pope francis died of the cov19 thats a clone and cgi hologram used mike pence dead of the cov19 yall that a clone or double used.. trump blue tie been in a coma he knows he won just woke up that who going back in power soonthe trump with red tie like to joke look at the late dick gregory youtube videos he say it 2 trumps dick even mention 2 pac alive had a vest on. Four hours long and highlighted British History and culture inverted trees is a reminder of the Masonic obligation Silence! 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