There is one good way to know whether you are spiritually well or not. How do we trust and submit to God? Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Besides all that, Paul was alsowarningevery one night and day with v.31. We have to fully believe that God is in control and that He has a great plan for our life. After our conversion, our inner person matures and grows, but our flesh is neither removed nor improved. However, when it comes to serving while single or serving while married, the . (It is not right that we give up preaching the word of God to serve tables. (ESV) We apostles should spend our time teaching the word of God, not running a food program. Solutions to obstacles: One gets to learn from the obstacles faced by other seekers and what they did to overcome the obstacles. How could you draw near to him? It is also full of examples of how God has helped others overcome their obstacles. He suffered the wrath of God on our behalf. Stephen: (a man full of the Holy Spirit), Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicolas from Antioch a convert to Judaism. This is mentioned in vv.26,27 where Paul said,Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. Do you find it hard? God's people cannot be shamed into serving God; they need to be challenged. Submit yourselves therefore to God. I hope that everyone who is serving in any ministry of Life Church will take this exhortation seriously Guard yourself! For more on this, read How to Have a Happier Life by Practicing Gratitude. We ought to do our best to remain faithful, but what if our best is not good enough? 9) 1 John 4:4 "Little children, you are of God, and have overcome them. The Bible says eternal life is to "know God and His one and only Son." As I made the transition from knowing about God for 19 years, to actually . Jesus is the only way to restore our relationship with God, and so He is the only way we can truly serve God as well. Within that time, Paul put in all his efforts to fulfill his role in several ways: Public teaching is mentioned in v.20 and havetaughtyou publickly, and from house to house.Testifyingboth to the Jews and also to the Greeksis mentioned in v.21. We can focus and realign our thinking through prayer, daily devotions and meditation. Preached at Life BPC 66th Anniversary service, 2016-10-16, As we thank God for His faithfulness today, let us be reminded that God requires faithfulness from us. This was a great thing happening. See also: Is 40:31, Eph 6:10, and Jas 1:5. There's no doubt, that the Bible is full of Bible verses about struggle and perseverance. A spiritual war is taking place. "If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there will My servant be also. Then look to these promises. This is His purpose of why we were created and the reason why we are here on earth. This was approved by the church, and they selected seven men to take care of the ministry of food distribution. Money Money. Satan began to attack the church through severe persecution. Materialism is the third barrier that keeps us from being available to serve. Paul belonged to Him alone, and so he lived to do the will of the Lord Jesus. Join The Hoot & Howl community for access to all the insider info! They see the ministry of the Word merely as a means to get what theywantinstead of what theyneed. First and foremost, you must know that you are a part of Christ. John 12:26 says. Christian author A.W. As we now enter into our 67thyear, let us resolve to give Him thefirst and central placein all that we do as a church, so that we may be faithful to Him. Others struggle to serve the Lord because of illness, a serious disease, or a litany or other reasons. Sometimes, the key to overcoming your problems is through replacing these negative emotions with Gods love. Therefore, Jesus said to Peter Get behind me Satan. Let us turn our Bibles now to Acts 20:28-35. When we find a man meditating on the words of God, my friends, that man is full of boldness and is successful. We dont have to be afraid of Gods judgment anymore. (More people to deal with, more personality issues, cultural issues and so on). They dream of living in the lap of luxury, and this makes them covet more silver and gold for themselves. We can speak to God about the obstacles we face in a safe, judge-free setting. However you can always count on God to support you. Paul was faithful in his role as a, In the earlier chapters of Acts we had seen that s. ome are called to serve as deacons, some as evangelists, and some as teachers. In chapter 6 Satan tried to distract the apostles from their main mission. Is anything too hard for me? When faced with an enormous obstacle, dont focus on how big the problem is. During his ministry there, a thriving congregation developed and the Gospel was disseminated throughout the western part of Asia Minor. You can count on Gods promise (Joshua 1:5; Deuteronomy 31:6; 1 Chronicles 28:20; Hebrews 13:5). When we spend too much time in a secularized society, the enemy can infiltrate and weaken our spiritual walls. Obstacles to Seeking God. If you want to remain faithful, you must give sufficient time to the study of Gods Word. Jesus was able to recognize Satan in Peters words. It is fascinating to study these spiritual gifts, but that is not within the scope of this sermon. Others have been blessed with spiritual gifts of faith, administration, discernment, hospitality, giving, mercy, or encouragement. In our choices, we dont so much turn to evil as we turn from God. Do you remember when you first yielded your life to Christ? And so as Proverbs, Unfortunately not everyone in Ephesus heeded Pauls exhortation to guard themselves. Growing in Christ won't be without struggles. These men were to handle or to manage this task (We will turn this responsibility over to them (v.3)). Draw near to him. sign me up! What does God say about overcoming obstacles? Required fields are marked *. Download. But everywhere the disciples of Jesus went, they preached the gospel, and more communities were born in different towns. God did it. If Jesus had to endure them, so do we. The second part of verse 21 gives us another reason to draw near to God: Jesus prays for us. You know your sin and guilt, and although you like the idea of a closer relationship with God, you wouldnt dare pursue it. Please see the Disclosures for how it will all go down. It means submitting to Him even when it doesn't make sense and serving others faithfully even when they don't appreciate our efforts. More growth was taking place. (Acts 4:34). The food distribution ministry was just caring for the needs of those in the church. Tozer, Root of the Righteous (Harrisburg, PA: Christian Publications, 1955), p. 156. Whatever Peter said to Jesus did not support Gods plan. These obstacles can be as basic as being stuck in a numbers mentality, or as complex as generational patterns of viewing pastors as the only ones capable of experiencing God. In those days when the number of disciples was increasing. He is not a Father running to meet you, but one waiting to punish you. It requires a true heart in full assurance of faith. This is a full and rich and satisfying relationship one that is more real to us than anything else. Benefits Of Serving God: The Challenges, The Pains, The Blessings And The Rewards - Kindle edition by Kanu, Kenneth. Hebrews 7:25 tells us, Jesus is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. He is always praying for us, always fueling the furnace of our faith. But if we withhold our worship, we are saying: We know better than God. No matter what problem is in your way, God is right beside you walking you through each step. God wants you to be successful and triumphant, and has a great plan for your life. But what if they aren't enemies? There are many things, in fact, that might deter you from a rich relationship with God, but two in particular are worth mentioning: 1) the fear of judgment and 2) the fear of disappointment. They were responsible for the spiritual health of this new community. Actively involving children in the planning . One obstacle that prevents us from serving the Lord as we should is our being ashamed of Him. - Watch past sessions at Muslim is on a journey to Allah. Obstacles to serving God. It is fascinating to study these spiritual gifts, but that is not within the scope of this sermon. Oswald Chambers writes, "If a man cannot get through to God, it is because there is a secret thing he does not intend to give up." This involves a stubborn refusal to turn away from a hidden sin. they did not let this issue distract them from their mission. Serve the Lord with gladness. And it is the Holy Spirit who made the elders fit for their role as overseers, so that the flock would be well fed. Let us therefore be faithful toChristin all our service. And that's hard to do. Sometimes God may call you to a different ministry. Any complaint would arise, and they will go to any of the seven selected to handle this ministry. We imagine that if God is putting us through something, he expects us to accomplish his will. But what needs to be impressed on us is thatwe allhave a role to play in Gods kingdom. You can tell God how you feel and in what areas of your life you are struggling to trust Him. We can manipulate Him into giving us what we want. As you dig into the Word of God, start with a great study Bible, ( this list has some of the most popular Study Bibles for women.) But God has something to say. But no matter what happens they would always have Gods Word with them to build them up, as long as they continued to study it. Without the proclamation and teaching of Gods words disciples are not developed. If anyone here is still unsaved, please listen to this carefully, because it is part of Gods whole counsel If you are still outside Christ, you are still in your sins. Tit was through all these works of God that the Ephesians had now grown into a thriving churchwithin three years. You can be assured of Gods intentions that He has your best interests at heart (Jeremiah 29:11-13; Hebrews 12:10). Some ministries exist only for a time. The fear of judgment imagines God frowning, crossing his arms, annoyed, angry, fed up with your mess-ups. Its a rich relationship, not a mechanical one. Through his faithful teaching, and testifying to Jews and Greeks, and preaching the kingdom of God, and warning the Christians against false teaching, the Ephesian church was firmly established on a strong foundation. That sounds crazy because rejection is not easy. These dark moments can leave you feeling frustrated, scared, and broken. They must be placed well above our own personal pursuits and interests. Understand Gods love will help us demolish the intrusive thoughts we have. But the enemy doesnt like this, so he would use anything to stop you. This ministry functioned well before, as we are informed in chapter 4 that there was also distribution of funds (there was no needy people among them); the first Christians cared for their needs by sharing and distributing goods. Challenges in serving God. While he was there, Paul sent a messenger to Ephesus (which is about 40 km away) to call the elders of the church to come for a conference with him, as he believed that he would never see them again. Seven Barriers to Knowing and Walking with God. Many times, we wonder about God's purpose in our lives. Jesus has said, when you are faithful in a few things, God puts you in charge o many more things. Paul was faithful in his role as achurch-planter, testifying of the Gospel of the grace of God wherever he went. Reduces Ego: When seekers realise that serving God happens very nicely after praying and not taking doership of the act, it helps in reducing ego. He had been doing this to the Ephesians for three years (54-57 AD), as he said to them in vv.18 and 31Ye know, from the first day that I came into Asia,after what manner I have been with you at all seasonsTherefore watch, and remember, that by the space ofthree yearsI ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.. Deborah: Trusting God through the demands of life. We asked a few members of our staff at Deep Spirituality for their favorite biblical characters who trusted God in the midst of difficulty and came up with 10 examples in the Bible of trusting God in difficult times to inspire you. You can be comforted by Gods commitment (Psalm 46:1; Luke 15:11-32). When Paul wrote his epistle to the Philippians some time later, he said,I count all things but lossfor the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.(Philippians 3:8). The apostles called the church (the disciples) together. This actually happened to the Ephesian church about 40 years later. Instead, these are the moments where you need faith the most. And what keeps us from doing so? They were appalled when they saw the severe suffering Job was experiencing. Verse Concepts. One of the glories of God is that He left the majesty of heaven to have intimate relationship with us. Acts 6:1-7 By: Ysrael De la Cruz The church of Jesus Christ has faced huge challenges throughout it existence and will continue to face challenges until Jesus comes back Tough times and obstacles in life build Christian character and faith. 6. This is what Paul declared at Ephesus. This letter exhorts us to persevere, and this profound call to draw near to God is right at the heart. As a result of this they become spiritually weak, they fall into sin and become ineffective in their service. Some even got so bold as to cursing the virus and sending it to hell., My Miracle by Arleen McNamara Brahn Walters March 2021 I dont think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains. Yes, we deserve punishment. The Third Sunday in Lent Sermon starts at 14:15 in recording Service Booklet All Readings Gospel: John 2:13-22 13 The Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.14In the temple he found people selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and the money-changers seated at their tables. This was their main priority: In a Christ-centered church the preaching and teaching of Gods word must be the main priority. This will not dampen my faith or take me away from knowing Him. This helps you build confidence in faith. Paul was telling them to take heed untothemselvesfirst, in order toremain fitto guard the flock. "How pleased the Lord must have been when Abraham did as he was instructed, without question and without wavering.". The whole counsel of God also includes the need torepentof ones sins and to receive Christ not only as Saviour, but also asLord. After all, God had purchased them with His own blood, as Paul mentioned in v.28 (to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood.) This of course refers to God the Son who suffered and died on the cross for our sins. With God, you can navigated the deepest and darkest valleys of life and walk high on the mountain. If you dont know how to manage the small, then you wont be able to manage the big. These challenges come to distract us from our mission; they come to make us quit running the race. But in serving God, there will always be obstructions and hindrances. Romans 1:25. . Paul fulfilled his role well despite the many difficult challenges which he faced at Ephesus. This command to draw near might be summarized as a summons to live in a rich God-accomplished relationship with God. If you do, you won't ever feel alone. In the following paragraphs, I have listed 10 common things that can interfere with our walk with God. Trusting God gives us a better perspective a mindset focused on a higher truth (Isaiah 55:7-9; Proverbs 14:12). 1. When we study Scripture and see what God asks us to do to fulfill His purpose, eventually we find there are obstacles to God's will. Doesnt this remind us of what our Lord Himself did? Life is full of ups and downs. And it is the Holy Spirit who made the elders fit for their role as overseers, so that the flock would be well fed. When this question has been settled, we should then go on to another area that requires faithfulness fulfilling our God-given roles. "The way is hard that leads to life," He said ( Matthew 7:14, ESV ). God was Pauls confidence that the Ephesian church would remain faithful. They wept, Gods pattern for his people! Let us turn our Bibles now to Acts 20:28-35. He is our perfect, spotless righteousness and our lives are hid with him on high. . Discover God's peace now. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed" (Deuteronomy 31:8). So, our attitude to serving God should be one that is reflective of Psalm 100:2 (NKJV): "Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.". All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. We're God's creation, and that means we were created to serve Him. The first and biggest obstacle to you and me enjoying all the benefits of God's Grace is you (and me). We must look to Him for all the help we need to remain faithful. Only God the Holy Spirit can change a heart. If the work of Gods kingdom depends entirely on our faithfulness what assurance is there that it will succeed? The most important requirement is to befaithful to the Lord. Matthew 17:20 ESV / 89 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful And we must be very thankful to Him. Committed to Loving God and Loving People. This is because the fear of God is a foundation. Were to make a choice to make up our mind whether to trust and serve God or not, and then act accordingly. Anne Frank Sitting here with pen in hand, able to put words and thoughts on paper, is a miracle all by itself, as Parkinsons Disease has made me unable to write, How do you know if God is talking to you or Satan? Get more than a Sunday sermon. A preacher was once heard yelling, Oh, [expletive]! on the way down. Perhaps you want to serve the Lord but you face certain challenges that come with age. As God reveals His plan to you, you will be able to better understand how to overcome the obstacles in your way, or Gods reasons for putting them there. Thus we have seen that Paul and the Ephesian elders were faithful in fulfilling their respective God-given roles. Must give sufficient time to the Ephesian church would remain faithful, but if. Fitto guard the flock frustrated, scared, and so he would use anything to stop.! 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